WebView - JS bridge scaffold
- Create a communication bridge through WebSocket to realize message passing, and no longer rely on the JavascriptInterface of the system
- Optional Tencent X5 tbs
- One line code to load js
Configuration (requires operation when Application's onCreate)
Debug switch (Will affect log output, packet capture, debugging and other functions)
WebBasicSettings.DEBUG = true
Modify bridge port
WebBasicSettings.BridgeConfig.bridgePort = 23231
X5 switch
WebBasicSettings.X5LoaderConfig.enable = false
X5 core initialization delay
WebBasicSettings.X5LoaderConfig.loadDelay = 10000L
WebBasicSettings.WebViewLoader.UA = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; ${Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.111 Mobile Safari/537.36"
Resource loading URL domain name
WebBasicSettings.WebViewLoader.DOMAIN = "assets.demo"
Define the URL path to access assets resources
WebBasicSettings.WebViewLoader.WEB_ASSETS_PATH = "assets"
Define the URL path to access res resources
WebBasicSettings.WebViewLoader.WEB_ASSETS_PATH = "res"
Define the URL path to access internal storage
WebBasicSettings.WebViewLoader.WEB_ASSETS_PATH = "internal_storage"
Create Bridge WebView
val web = X5BridgeWebView(context)
Send data to JS
Send to the default receiver
val dataJson = JSONObject() dataJson.put("user_name", "CListery") dataJson.put("country", "CN") web.sendToJSReceiver(data = dataJson, callback = object : BridgeJSCallbackWithOutResp() { override fun onCallWithOutResp(data: Any?) { logD("$data") } })
Send to the specified receiver
web.sendToJSReceiver("functionInJs", JSONObject().put("data", "data from Native"), object : BridgeJSCallbackWithOutResp() { override fun onCallWithOutResp(data: Any?) { logD("reponse data from js: $data") } })
Receive data sent by JS
Register the default receiver
web.registerDefaultJSCallback(object : IBridgeJSCallback { override fun onCall(data: Any?): JSONObject? { logD("default: ${JSONObject(data.toString())}") return JSONObject().put("data", "default response") } })
Register specified name receiver
web.registerJSCallback("submitFromWeb", object : IBridgeJSCallback { override fun onCall(data: Any?): JSONObject? { logD("submitFromWeb: ${JSONObject(data.toString())}") return JSONObject().put("data", "ok!") } })
Register a one-time receiver
web.onceJSCallback("once_hello", object : IBridgeJSCallback { override fun onCall(data: Any?): JSONObject? { logD("once_hello: $data") return JSONObject().put("data", "once ok!") } })
Load the js file under assets
monitor bridge status
function connectWebBridge(callback) { console.log("connectWebBridge"); if (window.Webridge && window.Webridge.inited) { callback(Webridge); } else { document.addEventListener( "BridgeReady", function () { callback(Webridge); }, false ); } } connectWebBridge(function (bridge) { console.log("connectWebBridge"); bridge.callNative( "once_hello", { data: "你好" }, function (responseData) { console.log(JSON.stringify(responseData)); } ); });
call native callback
Call the callback with the specified name
window.Webridge.callNative( "once_hello", { data: "你好" }, function (responseData) { console.log("repsonseData from native, data = " + JSON.stringify(responseData)); } );
Send message to native
Webridge.sendToNative(data, function (responseData) { console.log("repsonseData from native, data = " + JSON.stringify(responseData);); });
Register receiver
Default receiver
window.Webridge.registerDefaultReceiver(function (data, callback) { console.log("[receiver] default: ", data); if (callback) { callback("js response hi~"); } });
Register a receiver with the specified name
window.Webridge.registerReceiver("functionInJs", function (data, callback) { console.log("[receiver] functionInJs: ", data); document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = Date.now() + "\nreceive native data: = " + JSON.stringify(data); if (callback) { callback("data received!"); } });
Some sites may have restrictions due to js scripting capabilities
web.captureByJS { base64ImgData -> }