This repository contains all the data and analysis scripts for the the article "Mindfulness related changes in grey matter: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" by Cyril R. Pernet, Nikolai Belov, Arnaud Delorme & Alison Zammit.
- R to run the statistical meta-analysis
- GingerALE to run the coodinates based meta-analysis
- Matlab and SPM12 for the functional connectivity summary map
- The statistical_analysis folder contains the extracted statistical information as csv files (maxima_extracted.csv and right_insula_extracted.csv) from which effect sizes and meta-analyses are computed using R (maxima_analysis.R and right_insula_analysis.R)
- The ALE_analysis folder contains the coordinates file used for the analysis (MNIcoordinates.txt) along with all the results and maps generated by the software
- The functional_connectivity folder contains the connectivity maps downloaded from NeuroSynth (functional_connectivity_*.nii) and the script (FC_summary_map.m) used to create the summary map.