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Triaging and fixing bugs

Oliver Roick edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 1 revision

A particular GitHub project is used to track bugs and their progress.

Through its lifetime a ticket moves through the board as follows:

  • To Do: All tickets label bug will be added here initially. We need to triage all tickets in this column: We need to decide whether this is a bug we need to fix and prioritize it.
  • Triaged: We have agreed that we need to look into a solution for this issue. In this stage, we need to reproduce the bug and gather all information required to fix the problem.
  • Ready for dev: We added all information necessary to fix the bug to the ticket. The ticket can be assigned and scheduled for a sprint.
  • In progress: The ticket is assigned and scheduled for a sprint, or someone is working on it.
  • PR open: The developer assigned to fix the bug has proposed a solution; two other developers will review the code and verify the proposed changes fix the bug.
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