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First Tutorial Part 10: Summary

Laurent Hasson edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 5 revisions
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Wrap Up

In this tutorial, we have explored grosso modo 80% of the functionality of Tilda when it comes to defining tables and views and generating/managing SQL assets. We looked at:

  • Defining Tables And Columns
  • Defining Views And Columns
  • Joins
  • Aggregates
  • Pivots
  • Formulas
  • Realization And Refills

The whole Tilda json definition is as follows:

  "package": ""
 ,"dependencies": ["com/capsico/organizations/data/_tilda.Organizations.json"
 ,"documentation": {
     "description": [
         "This schema is used by the tilda tutorials as part of its documentation.<BR>"
        ,"<B>Copyright (c) 2019, CapsicoHealth Inc., All rights reserved.</B><BR>"
        ,"Covered under the Apache 2.0 License."


 { "name":"User"
      { "name":"id"   , "type":"STRING", "size": 40, "nullable":false, "description":"The user's id"    }
     ,{ "name":"email", "type":"STRING", "size":255, "nullable":false, "description":"The user's email" }
  ,"primary": { "autogen": true, "keyBatch": 500 }
  ,"indices": [ 
      { "name":"Id"   , "columns": ["id"   ] }
     ,{ "name":"Email", "columns": ["email"] }
     ,{ "name":"All"                        , "orderBy": ["lastUpdated"]}

,{ "name": "Form"
  ,"description": "User-entered forms"
      { "name":"userRefnum", "sameas":"User.refnum"    , "nullable":false, "description":"The user who created the form" }
     ,{ "name":"type"      , "type":"STRING", "size":40, "nullable":false, "description":"Form template type" }
     ,{ "name":"fillDate"  , "type":"DATETIME"         , "nullable":true , "description":"The date the form was filled" }
  ,"primary": { "autogen": true, "keyBatch": 500 }
  ,"foreign": [
      { "name":"User"  , "srcColumns":["userRefnum"   ], "destObject": "User"    }
  ,"indices": [ 
      { "name": "Type" , "columns": ["type"], "orderBy": ["fillDate"]}
     ,{ "name": "All"                       , "orderBy": ["lastUpdated"]}

,{ "name": "FormAnswer"
  ,"description": "Form answers"
      { "name":"formRefnum", "sameas":"Form.refnum"       , "nullable": false, "invariant": true, "description":"The form's refnum" }
     ,{ "name":"field"     , "type":"STRING", "size": 60  , "nullable": false                   , "description":"question/field id" }
     ,{ "name":"value"     , "type":"STRING", "size": 4000, "nullable": true                    , "description":"answer value" }
  ,"primary": { "autogen": true, "keyBatch": 500 }
  ,"foreign": [
      { "name":"Form" ,  "srcColumns":["formRefnum"], "destObject": "Form" }
  ,"indices": [ 
      { "name":"FormAnswer", "columns":["formRefnum", "field"]}
     ,{ "name":"All"       , "columns":[]                     , "orderBy":["lastUpdated"]}

 * **TestQuestionAnswer**: Let's assume there is some meta-data model for tests that essentially boils down to tests, questions and answers. One could build a normalized model with 3 tables, but for simplicity here and the purpose of this example, let's adopt a more analytical approach and build a dimension for a traditional star-schema data warehouse that would be populated by some ETL process. The resulting table therefore doesn't care so much about normalization and is simpler to use at runtime for our purpose. That table simply lists all the questions and answers in order (sequences) for a given test "type". You can imagine a simple UI that would popup questions in order, display all the answers in a multiple-choice type questionaire.
 * **TestAnswer**: We'll then capture a simple data set for students taking tests and answering questions.
,{ "name": "TestQuestionAnswer"
  ,"description": "Questions and answers for multiple-choice tests"
      { "name":"type"         , "type":"STRING" , "size":  60, "nullable":false        , "description":"Form template type" }
     ,{ "name":"questionSeq"  , "type":"INTEGER"             , "nullable":false        , "description":"Sequence of the question for the test" }
     ,{ "name":"questionId"   , "type":"STRING" , "size":  60, "nullable":false        , "description":"Question id" }
     ,{ "name":"questionLabel", "type":"STRING" , "size": 256, "nullable":false        , "description":"Question label" }
     ,{ "name":"answerSeq"    , "type":"INTEGER"             , "nullable":false        , "description":"Sequence of the answer for the question in the test" }
     ,{ "name":"answerId"     , "type":"STRING" , "size":  60, "nullable":false        , "description":"Answer id" }
     ,{ "name":"answerLabel"  , "type":"STRING" , "size": 256, "nullable":false        , "description":"Answer label" }
     ,{ "name":"correct"      , "type":"BOOLEAN"             , "nullable":false        , "description":"Whether the answer is a correct one or not for that question (technically, there could be more than one)" }
  ,"primary": { "autogen": true, "keyBatch": 500 }
  ,"indices": [ 
      { "name":"FormAnswer", "columns":["type", "questionId", "answerSeq"] }
     ,{ "name":"Form"      , "columns":["type"]                          , "orderBy":["questionId", "answerSeq"], "db":false }

,{ "name": "TestAnswer"
  ,"description": "Test answers"
      { "name":"formRefnum", "sameas":"Form.refnum"                  , "nullable": false, "invariant": true, "description":"The form's refnum" }
     ,{ "name":"questionId", "sameas":"TestQuestionAnswer.questionId", "nullable":false, "description":"Question id" }
     ,{ "name":"answerId"  , "sameas":"TestQuestionAnswer.answerId"  , "nullable":true , "description":"Answer value" }
     ,{ "name":"timeMillis", "type":"INTEGER"                        , "nullable":false, "description":"Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question" }
     ,{ "name":"correct"   , "type":"BOOLEAN"             , "nullable":false, "description":"Whether the answer is correct or not" }
  ,"primary": { "autogen": true, "keyBatch": 500 }
  ,"foreign": [
      { "name":"Form" ,  "srcColumns":["formRefnum"], "destObject": "Form" }
  ,"indices": [ 
      { "name":"FormAnswer", "columns":["formRefnum", "questionId"]}
     ,{ "name":"Form"      , "columns":["formRefnum"]              , "orderBy":["questionId"]}

 ,"views": [

 { "name": "Form_SAT01_PivotView"
  ,"description": "A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms"
      { "sameas": "Form.refnum"     , "name":"formRefnum"     }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.fillDate"   , "name":"formFillDate"   }
     ,{ "sameas": "User.refnum"     , "name":"formUserRefnum" }
     ,{ "sameas": ""      , "name":"formUserEmail"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "FormAnswer.value", "aggregate":"MAX"       }
      "clause":["    Form.type = 'SAT_01'" 
               ,"and Form.deleted is null"
               ,"and FormAnswer.deleted is null"
     ,"description":["Only look at SAT_01 forms and answers that have not been deleted."
      { "on": "FormAnswer.field" 
           { "name":"value", "prefix":"" }
       ,"values":[ { "value":"Q1", "expression":"Tilda.toInt(?,null)", "type":"INTEGER", "description":"Q1" }
                  ,{ "value":"Q2", "expression":"Tilda.toInt(?,null)", "type":"INTEGER", "description":"Q2" }
                  ,{ "value":"Q3", "expression":"Tilda.toInt(?,null)", "type":"INTEGER", "description":"Q3" }
                  ,{ "value":"Q4"                                                      , "description":"Q4" }

,{ "name": "Test_XYZ_PivotView"
  ,"description": "A pivoted view of XYZ forms"
      { "sameas": "Form.refnum"  , "name":"formRefnum"     }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.type"    , "name":"formType"       }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.fillDate", "name":"formFillDate"   }
     ,{ "sameas": "User.refnum"  , "name":"formUserRefnum" }
     ,{ "sameas": ""   , "name":"formUserEmail"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.correct"   , "name":"countCorrect"        , "aggregate":"COUNT", "filter":"correct = true"   }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.correct"   , "name":"countIncorrect"      , "aggregate":"COUNT", "filter":"correct = false"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisTotal", "aggregate":"SUM"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisAvg"  , "aggregate":"AVG"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisMin"  , "aggregate":"MIN"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisMax"  , "aggregate":"MAX"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.correct"                             , "aggregate":"MIN", "joinOnly":true  }
      "clause":["    Form.type = 'XYZ'" 
               ,"and Form.deleted is null"
               ,"and TestAnswer.deleted is null"
     ,"description":["Only look at XYZ forms and answers that have not been deleted."
      { "on": "TestAnswer.questionId" 
           { "name":"correct"      , "suffix":"_correct"    }
          ,{ "name":"timeMillisMax", "suffix":"_timeMillis" }
       ,"values":[ { "value":"QX", "description":"Question X" }
                  ,{ "value":"QY", "description":"Question Y" }
                  ,{ "value":"QZ", "description":"Question Z" }
       "primary":{ "columns":["formRefnum"] }
          { "name":"Form" ,  "srcColumns":["formRefnum"    ], "destObject": "Form" }
         ,{ "name":"User"  , "srcColumns":["formUserRefnum"], "destObject": "User" }
          { "name":"User", "columns":["formUserRefnum"], "orderBy":["formFillDate desc"] }
         ,{ "name":"Type", "columns":["formType"      ], "orderBy":["formFillDate desc"] }

,{ "name": "Test_View"
  ,"description": "A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms"
      { "sameas": "Form.type"    }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.fillDate", "joinOnly":true }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.refnum"  , "name":"testCount"   , "aggregate":"COUNT", "distinct":true }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.fillDate", "name":"testFirst"   , "aggregate":"FIRST", "orderBy":["fillDate"] }
     ,{ "sameas": "Form.fillDate", "name":"testLast"    , "aggregate":"LAST" , "orderBy":["fillDate"] }
     ,{ "sameas": "User.refnum"  , "name":"userCount"   , "aggregate":"COUNT", "distinct":true }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.correct"   , "name":"answerCount"          , "aggregate":"COUNT"   }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.correct"   , "name":"answerCountCorrect"   , "aggregate":"COUNT", "filter":"correct = true"   }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.correct"   , "name":"answerCountIncorrect" , "aggregate":"COUNT", "filter":"correct = false"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisTotal", "aggregate":"SUM"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisAvg"  , "aggregate":"AVG"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisMin"  , "aggregate":"MIN"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "TestAnswer.timeMillis", "name":"timeMillisMax"  , "aggregate":"MAX"  }
      "clause":["    Form.deleted is null"
               ,"and TestAnswer.deleted is null"
     ,"description":["Look at all forms and answers that have not been deleted."
       "primary":{ "columns":["type"] }
,{ "name": "Test_XYZ_Analytics_View"
  ,"description": "A view of XYZ forms with analytics"
      { "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.formRefnum"      }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.formType"        }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.formFillDate"    }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.formUserRefnum"  }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.formUserEmail"   }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.countCorrect"    , "name":"formCountCorrect"    }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_XYZ_PivotView.timeMillisTotal" , "name":"formTimeMillisTotal" }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_View.testCount"                }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_View.answerCountCorrect"       , "name":"testAnswerCountCorrect" }
     ,{ "sameas": "Test_View.timeMillisAvg"            , "name":"testTimeMillisAvg"      }
  ,"joins": [
      { "object": "Test_View"
      , "joinType": "INNER"
      , "on": [ { "db":"*", "clause":"Test_View.\"type\" = Test_XYZ_PivotView.\"formType\"" }
     { "name": "isPassed"
      ,"type": "INTEGER"
          "formCountCorrect >= 2"
      ,"title": "Test Passed"
          "Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions."
    ,{ "name": "tookLongerThanAverage"
      ,"type": "INTEGER"
          "formTimeMillisTotal > testTimeMillisAvg"
      ,"title": "Test Took Longer Than Average"
          "Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests."
    ,{ "name": "wasChallenging"
      ,"type": "INTEGER"
          "    isPassed=1"
         ,"AND testAnswerCountCorrect < testCount*3/2"
      ,"title": "Test Was Challenging"
          "Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>"
         ,"  <LI>it was passed,</LI>"
         ,"  <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI>"
           { "value":"0", "description":"The test was not challenging" }
          ,{ "value":"1", "description":"The test was challenging" }
       "primary":{ "columns":["formRefnum"] }
          { "name":"Form" ,  "srcColumns":["formRefnum"    ], "destObject": "Form" }
         ,{ "name":"User"  , "srcColumns":["formUserRefnum"], "destObject": "User" }
          { "name":"User", "columns":["formUserRefnum"], "orderBy":["formFillDate desc"] }
         ,{ "name":"Type", "columns":["formType"      ], "orderBy":["formFillDate desc"] }

Our three views now generate all the following SQL-level assets:

  • The views Test_XYZ_PivotView, Test_View and Test_XYZ_Analytics_View .
create schema if not exists TILDATUTORIAL;

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.User -- Users
 (  "refnum"       bigint        not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "id"           varchar(40)   not null   -- The user's id
  , "email"        varchar(255)  not null   -- The user's email
  , "created"      timestamptz   not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.User)
  , "lastUpdated"  timestamptz   not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.User)
  , "deleted"      timestamptz              -- The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.User)
  , PRIMARY KEY("refnum")
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.User."email" IS E'The user''s email';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.User."created" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.User)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.User."lastUpdated" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.User)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.User."deleted" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.User)';
delete from TILDA.Key where "name" = 'TILDATUTORIAL.USER';
insert into TILDA.Key ("refnum", "name", "max", "count", "created", "lastUpdated") values ((select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDA.Key), 'TILDATUTORIAL.USER',(select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDATUTORIAL.User), 500, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.Form -- User-entered forms
 (  "refnum"       bigint        not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "userRefnum"   bigint        not null   -- The user who created the form
  , "type"         varchar(40)   not null   -- Form template type
  , "fillDateTZ"   character(5)             -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'fillDate'.
  , "fillDate"     timestamptz              -- The date the form was filled
  , "created"      timestamptz   not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.Form)
  , "lastUpdated"  timestamptz   not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.Form)
  , "deleted"      timestamptz              -- The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.Form)
  , PRIMARY KEY("refnum")
  , CONSTRAINT fk_Form_fillDate FOREIGN KEY ("fillDateTZ") REFERENCES TILDA.ZoneInfo ON DELETE restrict ON UPDATE cascade
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" IS E'The user who created the form';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."created" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.Form)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."lastUpdated" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.Form)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.Form)';
delete from TILDA.Key where "name" = 'TILDATUTORIAL.FORM';
insert into TILDA.Key ("refnum", "name", "max", "count", "created", "lastUpdated") values ((select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDA.Key), 'TILDATUTORIAL.FORM',(select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDATUTORIAL.Form), 500, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer -- Form answers
 (  "refnum"       bigint         not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "formRefnum"   bigint         not null   -- The form's refnum
  , "field"        varchar(60)    not null   -- question/field id
  , "value"        varchar(4000)             -- answer value
  , "created"      timestamptz    not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer)
  , "lastUpdated"  timestamptz    not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer)
  , "deleted"      timestamptz               -- The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer)
  , PRIMARY KEY("refnum")
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."refnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."formRefnum" IS E'The form''s refnum';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."field" IS E'question/field id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."value" IS E'answer value';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."created" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."lastUpdated" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."deleted" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer)';
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS FormAnswer_FormAnswer ON TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer ("formRefnum", "field");
delete from TILDA.Key where "name" = 'TILDATUTORIAL.FORMANSWER';
insert into TILDA.Key ("refnum", "name", "max", "count", "created", "lastUpdated") values ((select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDA.Key), 'TILDATUTORIAL.FORMANSWER',(select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer), 500, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer -- Questions and answers for multiple-choice tests
 (  "refnum"         bigint        not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "type"           varchar(60)   not null   -- Form template type
  , "questionSeq"    integer       not null   -- Sequence of the question for the test
  , "questionId"     varchar(60)   not null   -- Question id
  , "questionLabel"  varchar(256)  not null   -- Question label
  , "answerSeq"      integer       not null   -- Sequence of the answer for the question in the test
  , "answerId"       varchar(60)   not null   -- Answer id
  , "answerLabel"    varchar(256)  not null   -- Answer label
  , "correct"        boolean       not null   -- Whether the answer is a correct one or not for that question (technically, there could be more than one)
  , "created"        timestamptz   not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer)
  , "lastUpdated"    timestamptz   not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer)
  , "deleted"        timestamptz              -- The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer)
  , PRIMARY KEY("refnum")
COMMENT ON TABLE TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer IS E'Questions and answers for multiple-choice tests';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."refnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."type" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."questionSeq" IS E'Sequence of the question for the test';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."questionId" IS E'Question id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."questionLabel" IS E'Question label';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."answerSeq" IS E'Sequence of the answer for the question in the test';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."answerId" IS E'Answer id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."answerLabel" IS E'Answer label';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."correct" IS E'Whether the answer is a correct one or not for that question (technically, there could be more than one)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."created" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."lastUpdated" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer."deleted" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer)';
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS TestQuestionAnswer_FormAnswer ON TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer ("type", "questionId", "answerSeq");
-- app-level index only -- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS TestQuestionAnswer_Form ON TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer ("type", "questionId" ASC, "answerSeq" ASC);
insert into TILDA.Key ("refnum", "name", "max", "count", "created", "lastUpdated") values ((select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDA.Key), 'TILDATUTORIAL.TESTQUESTIONANSWER',(select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDATUTORIAL.TestQuestionAnswer), 500, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer -- Test answers
 (  "refnum"       bigint       not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "formRefnum"   bigint       not null   -- The form's refnum
  , "questionId"   varchar(60)  not null   -- Question id
  , "answerId"     varchar(60)             -- Answer value
  , "timeMillis"   integer      not null   -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "correct"      boolean      not null   -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "created"      timestamptz  not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer)
  , "lastUpdated"  timestamptz  not null DEFAULT statement_timestamp()   -- The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer)
  , "deleted"      timestamptz             -- The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer)
  , PRIMARY KEY("refnum")
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."refnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."formRefnum" IS E'The form''s refnum';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."questionId" IS E'Question id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."answerId" IS E'Answer value';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."created" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was created. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."lastUpdated" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was last updated. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."deleted" IS E'The timestamp for when the record was deleted. (TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer)';
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS TestAnswer_FormAnswer ON TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer ("formRefnum", "questionId");
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS TestAnswer_Form ON TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer ("formRefnum", "questionId" ASC);
delete from TILDA.Key where "name" = 'TILDATUTORIAL.TESTANSWER';
insert into TILDA.Key ("refnum", "name", "max", "count", "created", "lastUpdated") values ((select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDA.Key), 'TILDATUTORIAL.TESTANSWER',(select COALESCE(max("refnum"),0)+1 from TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer), 500, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized -- Realized table for view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView: A pivoted view of XYZ forms
 (  "formRefnum"       bigint            not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "formType"         varchar(40)                  -- Form template type
  , "formFillDateTZ"   varchar(10)                  -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'formFillDate'.
  , "formFillDate"     timestamptz                  -- The date the form was filled
  , "formUserRefnum"   bigint                       -- The primary key for this record
  , "formUserEmail"    varchar(255)                 -- The user's email
  , "countCorrect"     bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "countIncorrect"   bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "timeMillisTotal"  bigint                       -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "timeMillisAvg"    double precision             -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "timeMillisMin"    integer                      -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "QX_correct"       boolean                      -- Question X (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId='QX')
  , "QX_timeMillis"    integer                      -- Question X (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId='QX')
  , "QY_correct"       boolean                      -- Question Y (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId='QY')
  , "QY_timeMillis"    integer                      -- Question Y (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId='QY')
  , "QZ_correct"       boolean                      -- Question Z (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId='QZ')
  , "QZ_timeMillis"    integer                      -- Question Z (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId='QZ')
  , PRIMARY KEY("formRefnum")
  , CONSTRAINT fk_Test_XYZ_Realized_Form FOREIGN KEY ("formRefnum") REFERENCES TILDATUTORIAL.Form ON DELETE restrict ON UPDATE cascade
  , CONSTRAINT fk_Test_XYZ_Realized_User FOREIGN KEY ("formUserRefnum") REFERENCES TILDATUTORIAL.User ON DELETE restrict ON UPDATE cascade
COMMENT ON TABLE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized IS E'Realized table for view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView: A pivoted view of XYZ forms';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formType" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formFillDateTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''formFillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formFillDate" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formUserRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formUserEmail" IS E'The user''s email';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."countCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."countIncorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."timeMillisTotal" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."timeMillisAvg" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."timeMillisMin" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."QX_correct" IS E'Question X (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QX'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."QX_timeMillis" IS E'Question X (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QX'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."QY_correct" IS E'Question Y (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QY'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."QY_timeMillis" IS E'Question Y (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QY'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."QZ_correct" IS E'Question Z (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QZ'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."QZ_timeMillis" IS E'Question Z (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QZ'')';
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS Test_XYZ_Realized_User ON TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized ("formUserRefnum", "formFillDate" DESC);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS Test_XYZ_Realized_Type ON TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized ("formType", "formFillDate" DESC);

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized -- Realized table for view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View: A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms
 (  "type"                  varchar(40)       not null   -- Form template type
  , "testCount"             bigint                       -- The primary key for this record
  , "testFirstTZ"           varchar(10)                  -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'testFirst'.
  , "testFirst"             timestamptz                  -- The date the form was filled
  , "testLastTZ"            varchar(10)                  -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'testLast'.
  , "testLast"              timestamptz                  -- The date the form was filled
  , "userCount"             bigint                       -- The primary key for this record
  , "answerCount"           bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "answerCountCorrect"    bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "answerCountIncorrect"  bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "timeMillisTotal"       bigint                       -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "timeMillisAvg"         double precision             -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "timeMillisMin"         integer                      -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "timeMillisMax"         integer                      -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , PRIMARY KEY("type")
COMMENT ON TABLE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized IS E'Realized table for view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View: A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."type" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testCount" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testFirstTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''testFirst''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testFirst" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testLastTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''testLast''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testLast" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."userCount" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."answerCount" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."answerCountCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."answerCountIncorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."timeMillisTotal" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."timeMillisAvg" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."timeMillisMin" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."timeMillisMax" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';

create table if not exists TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized -- Realized table for view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View: A view of XYZ forms with analytics
 (  "formRefnum"              bigint            not null   -- The primary key for this record
  , "formType"                varchar(40)                  -- Form template type
  , "formFillDateTZ"          varchar(10)                  -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'formFillDate'.
  , "formFillDate"            timestamptz                  -- The date the form was filled
  , "formUserRefnum"          bigint                       -- The primary key for this record
  , "formUserEmail"           varchar(255)                 -- The user's email
  , "formCountCorrect"        bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "formTimeMillisTotal"     bigint                       -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "testCount"               bigint                       -- The primary key for this record
  , "testAnswerCountCorrect"  bigint                       -- Whether the answer is correct or not
  , "testTimeMillisAvg"       double precision             -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  , "isPassed"                integer                      -- <B>Test Passed</B>: Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.
  , "tookLongerThanAverage"   integer                      -- <B>Test Took Longer Than Average</B>: Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.
  , "wasChallenging"          integer                      -- <B>Test Was Challenging</B>: Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>   <LI>it was passed,</LI>   <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI> </UL>
  , PRIMARY KEY("formRefnum")
  , CONSTRAINT fk_Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized_Form FOREIGN KEY ("formRefnum") REFERENCES TILDATUTORIAL.Form ON DELETE restrict ON UPDATE cascade
  , CONSTRAINT fk_Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized_User FOREIGN KEY ("formUserRefnum") REFERENCES TILDATUTORIAL.User ON DELETE restrict ON UPDATE cascade
COMMENT ON TABLE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized IS E'Realized table for view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View: A view of XYZ forms with analytics';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formType" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formFillDateTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''formFillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formFillDate" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formUserRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formUserEmail" IS E'The user''s email';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formCountCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."formTimeMillisTotal" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."testCount" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."testAnswerCountCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."testTimeMillisAvg" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."isPassed" IS E'<B>Test Passed</B>: Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."tookLongerThanAverage" IS E'<B>Test Took Longer Than Average</B>: Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized."wasChallenging" IS E'<B>Test Was Challenging</B>: Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>   <LI>it was passed,</LI>   <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI> </UL>';
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized_User ON TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized ("formUserRefnum", "formFillDate" DESC);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized_Type ON TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized ("formType", "formFillDate" DESC);

create or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView as 
with T as (
-- 'A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms'
select TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'fillDate'.
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled
     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."email" as "formUserEmail" -- The user's email
     , TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."field" as "field" -- question/field id -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)
     , max(TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."value") as "value" -- answer value -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)
     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.User on TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum"
     left  join TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer on TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."formRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum"
 where (    TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" = 'SAT_01'
        and TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" is null
        and TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."deleted" is null
   and ( TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."field" in ('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4')
 group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
) select "formRefnum" 
       , "formFillDateTZ" 
       , "formFillDate" 
       , "formUserRefnum" 
       , "formUserEmail" 
     , MAX("value") as "value"
     , (Tilda.toInt(max("value") filter (where "field" = 'Q1') ,null))::integer as "Q1"
     , (Tilda.toInt(max("value") filter (where "field" = 'Q2') ,null))::integer as "Q2"
     , (Tilda.toInt(max("value") filter (where "field" = 'Q3') ,null))::integer as "Q3"
     , max("value") filter (where "field" = 'Q4')  as "Q4"
from T
     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

COMMENT ON VIEW TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView IS E'-- DDL META DATA VERSION 2021-09-02\ncreate or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView as \nwith T as (\n-- ''A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms''\nselect TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."email" as "formUserEmail" -- The user''s email\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."field" as "field" -- question/field id -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)\n     , max(TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."value") as "value" -- answer value -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)\n  from TILDATUTORIAL.Form\n     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.User on TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum"\n     left  join TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer on TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."formRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum"\n where (    TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" = ''SAT_01''\n        and TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" is null\n        and TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."deleted" is null\n       )\n   and ( TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer."field" in (''Q1'', ''Q2'', ''Q3'', ''Q4'')\n       )\n group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n) select "formRefnum" \n       , "formFillDateTZ" \n       , "formFillDate" \n       , "formUserRefnum" \n       , "formUserEmail" \n     , MAX("value") as "value"\n     , (Tilda.toInt(max("value") filter (where "field" = ''Q1'') ,null))::integer as "Q1"\n     , (Tilda.toInt(max("value") filter (where "field" = ''Q2'') ,null))::integer as "Q2"\n     , (Tilda.toInt(max("value") filter (where "field" = ''Q3'') ,null))::integer as "Q3"\n     , max("value") filter (where "field" = ''Q4'')  as "Q4"\nfrom T\n     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n;\n\n';

COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."formRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."formFillDateTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."formFillDate" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."formUserRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."formUserEmail" IS E'The user''s email';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."Q1" IS E'Q1 (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.value) on TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.field=''Q1'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."Q2" IS E'Q2 (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.value) on TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.field=''Q2'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."Q3" IS E'Q3 (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.value) on TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.field=''Q3'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Form_SAT01_PivotView."Q4" IS E'Q4 (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.value) on TILDATUTORIAL.FormAnswer.field=''Q4'')';

create or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView as 
with T as (
-- 'A pivoted view of XYZ forms'
select TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" as "formType" -- Form template type
     , trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'fillDate'.
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled
     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."email" as "formUserEmail" -- The user's email
     , TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."questionId" as "questionId" -- Question id -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)
     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = true) as "countCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = false) as "countIncorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , sum(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , avg(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , min(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMin" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , max(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMax" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)
     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.User on TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum"
     left  join TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."formRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum"
 where (    TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" = 'XYZ'
        and TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" is null
        and TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."deleted" is null
   and ( TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."questionId" in ('QX', 'QY', 'QZ')
 group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
) select "formRefnum" 
       , "formType" 
       , "formFillDateTZ" 
       , "formFillDate" 
       , "formUserRefnum" 
       , "formUserEmail" 
     , SUM("countCorrect") as "countCorrect"
     , SUM("countIncorrect") as "countIncorrect"
     , SUM("timeMillisTotal") as "timeMillisTotal"
     , MIN("timeMillisMin") as "timeMillisMin"
     , MAX("timeMillisMax") as "timeMillisMax"
     , MIN("correct") as "correct"
     , min("correct") filter (where "questionId" = 'QX')  as "QX_correct"
     , max("timeMillisMax") filter (where "questionId" = 'QX')  as "QX_timeMillis"
     , min("correct") filter (where "questionId" = 'QY')  as "QY_correct"
     , max("timeMillisMax") filter (where "questionId" = 'QY')  as "QY_timeMillis"
     , min("correct") filter (where "questionId" = 'QZ')  as "QZ_correct"
     , max("timeMillisMax") filter (where "questionId" = 'QZ')  as "QZ_timeMillis"
from T
     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

 RETURNS boolean AS $$
  startDt        timestamptz;
  insertStartDt  timestamptz;
  insertEndDt    timestamptz;
  deleteStartDt  timestamptz;
  deleteEndDt    timestamptz;
  analyzeStartDt timestamptz;
  analyzeEndDt   timestamptz;
  endDt          timestamptz;
  insertRowCount bigint;
  deleteRowCount bigint;
  startDt:= clock_timestamp();
  insertStartDt:= clock_timestamp();
  INSERT INTO TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized ("formRefnum", "formType", "formFillDateTZ", "formFillDate", "formUserRefnum", "formUserEmail", "countCorrect", "countIncorrect", "timeMillisTotal", "timeMillisAvg", "timeMillisMin", "QX_correct", "QX_timeMillis", "QY_correct", "QY_timeMillis", "QZ_correct", "QZ_timeMillis")
     SELECT /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN
          ,"formType" -- COLUMN
          ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN
          ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN
          ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN
          ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN
          -- "questionId" -- BLOCKED
          ,"countCorrect" -- COLUMN
          ,"countIncorrect" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisMin" -- COLUMN
          -- "timeMillisMax" -- BLOCKED
          -- "correct" -- BLOCKED
          , "QX_correct" -- PIVOT COLUMN
          , "QX_timeMillis" -- PIVOT COLUMN
          , "QY_correct" -- PIVOT COLUMN
          , "QY_timeMillis" -- PIVOT COLUMN
          , "QZ_correct" -- PIVOT COLUMN
          , "QZ_timeMillis" -- PIVOT COLUMN
  insertEndDt:= clock_timestamp();
  analyzeStartDt:= clock_timestamp();
  analyzeEndDt:= clock_timestamp ( );
  endDt:= clock_timestamp();

  INSERT INTO TILDA.RefillPerf("schemaName", "objectName", "startTimeTZ", "startTime", "endTimeTZ", "endTime", "timeInsertSec", "timeDeleteSec", "timeAnalyzeSec", "timeTotalSec", "insertCount", "deleteCount")
                        VALUES('TILDATUTORIAL', 'Test_XYZ_Realized', 'UTC', startDt, 'UTC', endDt
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM insertEndDt-insertStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM deleteEndDt-deleteStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM analyzeEndDt-analyzeStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM endDt-startDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(insertRowCount, 0)
                                         , COALESCE(deleteRowCount, 0));
  return true;
END; $$


COMMENT ON VIEW TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView IS E'-- DDL META DATA VERSION 2021-09-02\ncreate or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView as \nwith T as (\n-- ''A pivoted view of XYZ forms''\nselect TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" as "formType" -- Form template type\n     , trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.User."email" as "formUserEmail" -- The user''s email\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."questionId" as "questionId" -- Question id -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)\n     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = true) as "countCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = false) as "countIncorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , sum(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , avg(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , min(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMin" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , max(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMax" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question -- (BLOCKED IN SECONDARY VIEW FOR FORMULAS)\n  from TILDATUTORIAL.Form\n     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.User on TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum"\n     left  join TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."formRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum"\n where (    TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" = ''XYZ''\n        and TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" is null\n        and TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."deleted" is null\n       )\n   and ( TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."questionId" in (''QX'', ''QY'', ''QZ'')\n       )\n group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\n) select "formRefnum" \n       , "formType" \n       , "formFillDateTZ" \n       , "formFillDate" \n       , "formUserRefnum" \n       , "formUserEmail" \n     , SUM("countCorrect") as "countCorrect"\n     , SUM("countIncorrect") as "countIncorrect"\n     , SUM("timeMillisTotal") as "timeMillisTotal"\n     , MIN("timeMillisMin") as "timeMillisMin"\n     , MAX("timeMillisMax") as "timeMillisMax"\n     , MIN("correct") as "correct"\n     , min("correct") filter (where "questionId" = ''QX'')  as "QX_correct"\n     , max("timeMillisMax") filter (where "questionId" = ''QX'')  as "QX_timeMillis"\n     , min("correct") filter (where "questionId" = ''QY'')  as "QY_correct"\n     , max("timeMillisMax") filter (where "questionId" = ''QY'')  as "QY_timeMillis"\n     , min("correct") filter (where "questionId" = ''QZ'')  as "QZ_correct"\n     , max("timeMillisMax") filter (where "questionId" = ''QZ'')  as "QZ_timeMillis"\nfrom T\n     group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n;\n\n\nDROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Realized();\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Realized()\n RETURNS boolean AS $$\ndeclare\n  startDt        timestamptz;\n  insertStartDt  timestamptz;\n  insertEndDt    timestamptz;\n  deleteStartDt  timestamptz;\n  deleteEndDt    timestamptz;\n  analyzeStartDt timestamptz;\n  analyzeEndDt   timestamptz;\n  endDt          timestamptz;\n  insertRowCount bigint;\n  deleteRowCount bigint;\nBEGIN\n  startDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  TRUNCATE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized;\n  insertStartDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  INSERT INTO TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized ("formRefnum", "formType", "formFillDateTZ", "formFillDate", "formUserRefnum", "formUserEmail", "countCorrect", "countIncorrect", "timeMillisTotal", "timeMillisAvg", "timeMillisMin", "QX_correct", "QX_timeMillis", "QY_correct", "QY_timeMillis", "QZ_correct", "QZ_timeMillis")\n     SELECT /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formType" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN\n          -- "questionId" -- BLOCKED\n          ,"countCorrect" -- COLUMN\n          ,"countIncorrect" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisMin" -- COLUMN\n          -- "timeMillisMax" -- BLOCKED\n          -- "correct" -- BLOCKED\n          , "QX_correct" -- PIVOT COLUMN\n          , "QX_timeMillis" -- PIVOT COLUMN\n          , "QY_correct" -- PIVOT COLUMN\n          , "QY_timeMillis" -- PIVOT COLUMN\n          , "QZ_correct" -- PIVOT COLUMN\n          , "QZ_timeMillis" -- PIVOT COLUMN\n     FROM TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView;\n  GET DIAGNOSTICS insertRowCount = ROW_COUNT;\n  insertEndDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  analyzeStartDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  ANALYZE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized;\n  analyzeEndDt:= clock_timestamp ( );\n  endDt:= clock_timestamp();\n\n  INSERT INTO TILDA.RefillPerf("schemaName", "objectName", "startTimeTZ", "startTime", "endTimeTZ", "endTime", "timeInsertSec", "timeDeleteSec", "timeAnalyzeSec", "timeTotalSec", "insertCount", "deleteCount")\n                        VALUES(''TILDATUTORIAL'', ''Test_XYZ_Realized'', ''UTC'', startDt, ''UTC'', endDt\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM insertEndDt-insertStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM deleteEndDt-deleteStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM analyzeEndDt-analyzeStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM endDt-startDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(insertRowCount, 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(deleteRowCount, 0));\n  return true;\nEND; $$\nLANGUAGE PLPGSQL;\n\n-- SELECT TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Realized(); -- !!! THIS MAY TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES !!!\n';

COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formType" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formFillDateTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formFillDate" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formUserRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formUserEmail" IS E'The user''s email';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."countCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."countIncorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."timeMillisTotal" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."timeMillisAvg" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."timeMillisMin" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."QX_correct" IS E'Question X (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QX'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."QY_correct" IS E'Question Y (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QY'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."QZ_correct" IS E'Question Z (pivot of MIN(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.correct) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QZ'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."QX_timeMillis" IS E'Question X (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QX'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."QY_timeMillis" IS E'Question Y (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QY'')';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."QZ_timeMillis" IS E'Question Z (pivot of MAX(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.timeMillis) on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer.questionId=''QZ'')';

create or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View as 
-- 'A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms'
select TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" as "type" -- Form template type
     , count(distinct TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum") as "testCount" -- The primary key for this record
     , first(trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testFirstTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'fillDate'.
     , first(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testFirst" -- The date the form was filled
     , last(trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testLastTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'fillDate'.
     , last(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testLast" -- The date the form was filled
     , count(distinct TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum") as "userCount" -- The primary key for this record
     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") as "answerCount" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = true) as "answerCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = false) as "answerCountIncorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , sum(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , avg(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , min(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMin" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , max(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMax" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.User on TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum"
     left  join TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."formRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum"
 where (    TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" is null
        and TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."deleted" is null
     group by 1

 RETURNS boolean AS $$
  startDt        timestamptz;
  insertStartDt  timestamptz;
  insertEndDt    timestamptz;
  deleteStartDt  timestamptz;
  deleteEndDt    timestamptz;
  analyzeStartDt timestamptz;
  analyzeEndDt   timestamptz;
  endDt          timestamptz;
  insertRowCount bigint;
  deleteRowCount bigint;
  startDt:= clock_timestamp();
  insertStartDt:= clock_timestamp();
  INSERT INTO TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized ("type", "testCount", "testFirstTZ", "testFirst", "testLastTZ", "testLast", "userCount", "answerCount", "answerCountCorrect", "answerCountIncorrect", "timeMillisTotal", "timeMillisAvg", "timeMillisMin", "timeMillisMax")
     SELECT /*genRealizedColumnList*/"type" -- COLUMN
          -- "fillDateTZ" -- VIEW-EXCLUDED
          -- "fillDate" -- VIEW-EXCLUDED
          ,"testCount" -- COLUMN
          ,"testFirstTZ" -- COLUMN
          ,"testFirst" -- COLUMN
          ,"testLastTZ" -- COLUMN
          ,"testLast" -- COLUMN
          ,"userCount" -- COLUMN
          ,"answerCount" -- COLUMN
          ,"answerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
          ,"answerCountIncorrect" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisMin" -- COLUMN
          ,"timeMillisMax" -- COLUMN
  insertEndDt:= clock_timestamp();
  analyzeStartDt:= clock_timestamp();
  analyzeEndDt:= clock_timestamp ( );
  endDt:= clock_timestamp();

  INSERT INTO TILDA.RefillPerf("schemaName", "objectName", "startTimeTZ", "startTime", "endTimeTZ", "endTime", "timeInsertSec", "timeDeleteSec", "timeAnalyzeSec", "timeTotalSec", "insertCount", "deleteCount")
                        VALUES('TILDATUTORIAL', 'Test_Realized', 'UTC', startDt, 'UTC', endDt
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM insertEndDt-insertStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM deleteEndDt-deleteStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM analyzeEndDt-analyzeStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM endDt-startDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(insertRowCount, 0)
                                         , COALESCE(deleteRowCount, 0));
  return true;
END; $$


COMMENT ON VIEW TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View IS E'-- DDL META DATA VERSION 2021-09-02\ncreate or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View as \n-- ''A pivoted view of SAT_01 forms''\nselect TILDATUTORIAL.Form."type" as "type" -- Form template type\n     , count(distinct TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum") as "testCount" -- The primary key for this record\n     , first(trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testFirstTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.\n     , first(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testFirst" -- The date the form was filled\n     , last(trim(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDateTZ") order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testLastTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.\n     , last(TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" order by TILDATUTORIAL.Form."fillDate" ASC) as "testLast" -- The date the form was filled\n     , count(distinct TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum") as "userCount" -- The primary key for this record\n     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") as "answerCount" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = true) as "answerCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , count(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."correct") filter(where correct = false) as "answerCountIncorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , sum(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , avg(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , min(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMin" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , max(TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."timeMillis") as "timeMillisMax" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n  from TILDATUTORIAL.Form\n     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.User on TILDATUTORIAL.Form."userRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.User."refnum"\n     left  join TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer on TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."formRefnum" = TILDATUTORIAL.Form."refnum"\n where (    TILDATUTORIAL.Form."deleted" is null\n        and TILDATUTORIAL.TestAnswer."deleted" is null\n       )\n     group by 1\n;\n\n\nDROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_Realized();\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_Realized()\n RETURNS boolean AS $$\ndeclare\n  startDt        timestamptz;\n  insertStartDt  timestamptz;\n  insertEndDt    timestamptz;\n  deleteStartDt  timestamptz;\n  deleteEndDt    timestamptz;\n  analyzeStartDt timestamptz;\n  analyzeEndDt   timestamptz;\n  endDt          timestamptz;\n  insertRowCount bigint;\n  deleteRowCount bigint;\nBEGIN\n  startDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  TRUNCATE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized;\n  insertStartDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  INSERT INTO TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized ("type", "testCount", "testFirstTZ", "testFirst", "testLastTZ", "testLast", "userCount", "answerCount", "answerCountCorrect", "answerCountIncorrect", "timeMillisTotal", "timeMillisAvg", "timeMillisMin", "timeMillisMax")\n     SELECT /*genRealizedColumnList*/"type" -- COLUMN\n          -- "fillDateTZ" -- VIEW-EXCLUDED\n          -- "fillDate" -- VIEW-EXCLUDED\n          ,"testCount" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testFirstTZ" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testFirst" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testLastTZ" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testLast" -- COLUMN\n          ,"userCount" -- COLUMN\n          ,"answerCount" -- COLUMN\n          ,"answerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n          ,"answerCountIncorrect" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisMin" -- COLUMN\n          ,"timeMillisMax" -- COLUMN\n     FROM TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View;\n  GET DIAGNOSTICS insertRowCount = ROW_COUNT;\n  insertEndDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  analyzeStartDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  ANALYZE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized;\n  analyzeEndDt:= clock_timestamp ( );\n  endDt:= clock_timestamp();\n\n  INSERT INTO TILDA.RefillPerf("schemaName", "objectName", "startTimeTZ", "startTime", "endTimeTZ", "endTime", "timeInsertSec", "timeDeleteSec", "timeAnalyzeSec", "timeTotalSec", "insertCount", "deleteCount")\n                        VALUES(''TILDATUTORIAL'', ''Test_Realized'', ''UTC'', startDt, ''UTC'', endDt\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM insertEndDt-insertStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM deleteEndDt-deleteStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM analyzeEndDt-analyzeStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM endDt-startDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(insertRowCount, 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(deleteRowCount, 0));\n  return true;\nEND; $$\nLANGUAGE PLPGSQL;\n\n-- SELECT TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_Realized(); -- !!! THIS MAY TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES !!!\n';

COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."type" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testCount" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testFirstTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testFirst" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testLastTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''fillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testLast" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."userCount" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."answerCount" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."answerCountCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."answerCountIncorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."timeMillisTotal" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."timeMillisAvg" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."timeMillisMin" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."timeMillisMax" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';

create or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View as 
select /*DoFormulasSuperView*/
"formRefnum" -- COLUMN
     , "formType" -- COLUMN
     , "formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN
     , "formFillDate" -- COLUMN
     , "formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN
     , "formUserEmail" -- COLUMN
     , "formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
     , "formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN
     , "testCount" -- COLUMN
     , "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
     , "testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN
     -- Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.
     , (coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer as "isPassed"
     -- Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.
     , (coalesce("formTimeMillisTotal", 0) > coalesce("testTimeMillisAvg", 0))::integer as "tookLongerThanAverage"
     -- Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>
     --   <LI>it was passed,</LI>
     --   <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI>
     -- </UL>
     , ((coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer=1 AND coalesce("testAnswerCountCorrect", 0) < coalesce("testCount", 0)*3/2)::integer as "wasChallenging"

 from (
-- 'A view of XYZ forms with analytics'
select TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formRefnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formType" as "formType" -- Form template type
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formFillDateTZ" as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'formFillDate'.
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formFillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formUserRefnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formUserEmail" as "formUserEmail" -- The user's email
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."countCorrect" as "formCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."timeMillisTotal" as "formTimeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testCount" as "testCount" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."answerCountCorrect" as "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."timeMillisAvg" as "testTimeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  from TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView
     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View on Test_View."type" = Test_XYZ_PivotView."formType"

      ) as T
-- Realized as /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formType" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN ,"formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN ,"testCount" -- COLUMN ,"testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN ,"isPassed" -- FORMULA ,"tookLongerThanAverage" -- FORMULA ,"wasChallenging" -- FORMULA

create or replace view TILDATMP.TILDATUTORIAL_Test_XYZ_Analytics_View_R as 
select /*DoFormulasSuperView*/
"formRefnum" -- COLUMN
     , "formType" -- COLUMN
     , "formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN
     , "formFillDate" -- COLUMN
     , "formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN
     , "formUserEmail" -- COLUMN
     , "formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
     , "formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN
     , "testCount" -- COLUMN
     , "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
     , "testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN
     -- Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.
     , (coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer as "isPassed"
     -- Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.
     , (coalesce("formTimeMillisTotal", 0) > coalesce("testTimeMillisAvg", 0))::integer as "tookLongerThanAverage"
     -- Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>
     --   <LI>it was passed,</LI>
     --   <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI>
     -- </UL>
     , ((coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer=1 AND coalesce("testAnswerCountCorrect", 0) < coalesce("testCount", 0)*3/2)::integer as "wasChallenging"

 from (
-- 'A view of XYZ forms with analytics'
select TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formRefnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formType" as "formType" -- Form template type
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formFillDateTZ" as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for 'formFillDate'.
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formFillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formUserRefnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formUserEmail" as "formUserEmail" -- The user's email
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."countCorrect" as "formCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."timeMillisTotal" as "formTimeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testCount" as "testCount" -- The primary key for this record
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."answerCountCorrect" as "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not
     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."timeMillisAvg" as "testTimeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question
  from TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized
     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized on TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."type" = TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formType"

      ) as T
-- Realized as /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formType" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN ,"formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN ,"testCount" -- COLUMN ,"testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN ,"isPassed" -- FORMULA ,"tookLongerThanAverage" -- FORMULA ,"wasChallenging" -- FORMULA

 RETURNS boolean AS $$
  startDt        timestamptz;
  insertStartDt  timestamptz;
  insertEndDt    timestamptz;
  deleteStartDt  timestamptz;
  deleteEndDt    timestamptz;
  analyzeStartDt timestamptz;
  analyzeEndDt   timestamptz;
  endDt          timestamptz;
  insertRowCount bigint;
  deleteRowCount bigint;
  startDt:= clock_timestamp();
  insertStartDt:= clock_timestamp();
  INSERT INTO TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized ("formRefnum", "formType", "formFillDateTZ", "formFillDate", "formUserRefnum", "formUserEmail", "formCountCorrect", "formTimeMillisTotal", "testCount", "testAnswerCountCorrect", "testTimeMillisAvg", "isPassed", "tookLongerThanAverage", "wasChallenging")
     SELECT /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN
          ,"formType" -- COLUMN
          ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN
          ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN
          ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN
          ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN
          ,"formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
          ,"formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN
          ,"testCount" -- COLUMN
          ,"testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN
          ,"testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN
          ,"isPassed" -- FORMULA
          ,"tookLongerThanAverage" -- FORMULA
          ,"wasChallenging" -- FORMULA
  insertEndDt:= clock_timestamp();
  analyzeStartDt:= clock_timestamp();
  ANALYZE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized;
  analyzeEndDt:= clock_timestamp ( );
  endDt:= clock_timestamp();

  INSERT INTO TILDA.RefillPerf("schemaName", "objectName", "startTimeTZ", "startTime", "endTimeTZ", "endTime", "timeInsertSec", "timeDeleteSec", "timeAnalyzeSec", "timeTotalSec", "insertCount", "deleteCount")
                        VALUES('TILDATUTORIAL', 'Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized', 'UTC', startDt, 'UTC', endDt
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM insertEndDt-insertStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM deleteEndDt-deleteStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM analyzeEndDt-analyzeStartDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM endDt-startDt), 0)
                                         , COALESCE(insertRowCount, 0)
                                         , COALESCE(deleteRowCount, 0));
  return true;
END; $$

-- SELECT TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized(); -- !!! THIS MAY TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES !!!

COMMENT ON VIEW TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View IS E'-- DDL META DATA VERSION 2021-09-02\ncreate or replace view TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View as \nselect /*DoFormulasSuperView*/\n"formRefnum" -- COLUMN\n     , "formType" -- COLUMN\n     , "formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN\n     , "formFillDate" -- COLUMN\n     , "formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN\n     , "formUserEmail" -- COLUMN\n     , "formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n     , "formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN\n     , "testCount" -- COLUMN\n     , "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n     , "testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN\n     -- Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.\n     , (coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer as "isPassed"\n     -- Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.\n     , (coalesce("formTimeMillisTotal", 0) > coalesce("testTimeMillisAvg", 0))::integer as "tookLongerThanAverage"\n     -- Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>\n     --   <LI>it was passed,</LI>\n     --   <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI>\n     -- </UL>\n     , ((coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer=1 AND coalesce("testAnswerCountCorrect", 0) < coalesce("testCount", 0)*3/2)::integer as "wasChallenging"\n\n from (\n-- ''A view of XYZ forms with analytics''\nselect TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formRefnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formType" as "formType" -- Form template type\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formFillDateTZ" as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''formFillDate''.\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formFillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formUserRefnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."formUserEmail" as "formUserEmail" -- The user''s email\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."countCorrect" as "formCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView."timeMillisTotal" as "formTimeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."testCount" as "testCount" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."answerCountCorrect" as "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View."timeMillisAvg" as "testTimeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n  from TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_PivotView\n     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.Test_View on Test_View."type" = Test_XYZ_PivotView."formType"\n\n      ) as T\n-- Realized as /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formType" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN ,"formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN ,"testCount" -- COLUMN ,"testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN ,"isPassed" -- FORMULA ,"tookLongerThanAverage" -- FORMULA ,"wasChallenging" -- FORMULA\n;\n\ncreate or replace view TILDATMP.TILDATUTORIAL_Test_XYZ_Analytics_View_R as \nselect /*DoFormulasSuperView*/\n"formRefnum" -- COLUMN\n     , "formType" -- COLUMN\n     , "formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN\n     , "formFillDate" -- COLUMN\n     , "formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN\n     , "formUserEmail" -- COLUMN\n     , "formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n     , "formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN\n     , "testCount" -- COLUMN\n     , "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n     , "testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN\n     -- Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.\n     , (coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer as "isPassed"\n     -- Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.\n     , (coalesce("formTimeMillisTotal", 0) > coalesce("testTimeMillisAvg", 0))::integer as "tookLongerThanAverage"\n     -- Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>\n     --   <LI>it was passed,</LI>\n     --   <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI>\n     -- </UL>\n     , ((coalesce("formCountCorrect", 0) >= 2)::integer=1 AND coalesce("testAnswerCountCorrect", 0) < coalesce("testCount", 0)*3/2)::integer as "wasChallenging"\n\n from (\n-- ''A view of XYZ forms with analytics''\nselect TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formRefnum" as "formRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formType" as "formType" -- Form template type\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formFillDateTZ" as "formFillDateTZ" -- Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''formFillDate''.\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formFillDate" as "formFillDate" -- The date the form was filled\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formUserRefnum" as "formUserRefnum" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formUserEmail" as "formUserEmail" -- The user''s email\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."countCorrect" as "formCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."timeMillisTotal" as "formTimeMillisTotal" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."testCount" as "testCount" -- The primary key for this record\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."answerCountCorrect" as "testAnswerCountCorrect" -- Whether the answer is correct or not\n     , TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."timeMillisAvg" as "testTimeMillisAvg" -- Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question\n  from TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized\n     inner join TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized on TILDATUTORIAL.Test_Realized."type" = TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Realized."formType"\n\n      ) as T\n-- Realized as /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formType" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN ,"formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN ,"testCount" -- COLUMN ,"testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN ,"testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN ,"isPassed" -- FORMULA ,"tookLongerThanAverage" -- FORMULA ,"wasChallenging" -- FORMULA\n;\n\n\nDROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized();\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized()\n RETURNS boolean AS $$\ndeclare\n  startDt        timestamptz;\n  insertStartDt  timestamptz;\n  insertEndDt    timestamptz;\n  deleteStartDt  timestamptz;\n  deleteEndDt    timestamptz;\n  analyzeStartDt timestamptz;\n  analyzeEndDt   timestamptz;\n  endDt          timestamptz;\n  insertRowCount bigint;\n  deleteRowCount bigint;\nBEGIN\n  startDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  TRUNCATE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized;\n  insertStartDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  INSERT INTO TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized ("formRefnum", "formType", "formFillDateTZ", "formFillDate", "formUserRefnum", "formUserEmail", "formCountCorrect", "formTimeMillisTotal", "testCount", "testAnswerCountCorrect", "testTimeMillisAvg", "isPassed", "tookLongerThanAverage", "wasChallenging")\n     SELECT /*genRealizedColumnList*/"formRefnum" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formType" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formFillDateTZ" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formFillDate" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formUserRefnum" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formUserEmail" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n          ,"formTimeMillisTotal" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testCount" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testAnswerCountCorrect" -- COLUMN\n          ,"testTimeMillisAvg" -- COLUMN\n          ,"isPassed" -- FORMULA\n          ,"tookLongerThanAverage" -- FORMULA\n          ,"wasChallenging" -- FORMULA\n     FROM TILDATMP.TILDATUTORIAL_Test_XYZ_Analytics_View_R;\n  GET DIAGNOSTICS insertRowCount = ROW_COUNT;\n  insertEndDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  analyzeStartDt:= clock_timestamp();\n  ANALYZE TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized;\n  analyzeEndDt:= clock_timestamp ( );\n  endDt:= clock_timestamp();\n\n  INSERT INTO TILDA.RefillPerf("schemaName", "objectName", "startTimeTZ", "startTime", "endTimeTZ", "endTime", "timeInsertSec", "timeDeleteSec", "timeAnalyzeSec", "timeTotalSec", "insertCount", "deleteCount")\n                        VALUES(''TILDATUTORIAL'', ''Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized'', ''UTC'', startDt, ''UTC'', endDt\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM insertEndDt-insertStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM deleteEndDt-deleteStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM analyzeEndDt-analyzeStartDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM endDt-startDt), 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(insertRowCount, 0)\n                                         , COALESCE(deleteRowCount, 0));\n  return true;\nEND; $$\nLANGUAGE PLPGSQL;\n\n-- SELECT TILDATUTORIAL.Refill_Test_XYZ_Analytics_Realized(); -- !!! THIS MAY TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES !!!\n';

COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formType" IS E'Form template type';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formFillDateTZ" IS E'Generated helper column to hold the time zone ID for ''formFillDate''.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formFillDate" IS E'The date the form was filled';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formUserRefnum" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formUserEmail" IS E'The user''s email';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formCountCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."formTimeMillisTotal" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."testCount" IS E'The primary key for this record';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."testAnswerCountCorrect" IS E'Whether the answer is correct or not';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."testTimeMillisAvg" IS E'Time in milliseconds for the time spent answering the question';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."isPassed" IS E'The calculated formula: Whether the test was passed or not by answering at least 2 out of the 3 questions.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."tookLongerThanAverage" IS E'The calculated formula: Whether the test took longer that the average time spent across all tests.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN TILDATUTORIAL.Test_XYZ_Analytics_View."wasChallenging" IS E'The calculated formula: Whether the test was challenging in that:<LI>\n  <LI>it was passed,</LI>\n  <LI>and overall, less than a third of answers across all tests were answered correctly.</LI>\n</UL>';

In this tutorial, we covered a non-trivial example with complex pivoting views, interesting analytical measures and performance-oriented constructs. The Tilda JSON definition is 300 lines long and just the SQL assets generated represent 720 lines of SQL you wouldn't want to be managing yourself directly.

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