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First Tutorial Part 12: One Last Thing...

Laurent Hasson edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 4 revisions
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One Last Thing

If you have just been reading this tutorial and not followed through the video, you may have missed a very important aspect of the process: Iteration, the 'I' in Tilda. Every step of the way, we were able to simply migrate the database with our latest changes automatically. This process is scalable in that it effectively removes the process-oriented job of a DBA:

  • Each member of the development team, under the supervision of an architect, can modify the model.
  • As JSON artifacts, models are
    • easy to understand in a simple text editor
    • friendly to any versioning system (e.g., git)
    • easy to merge when multiple developers are working on the same model
    • easy to move around and refactor
    • copy/paste galore
  • The process of deploying architect-approved model changes (reviewed and comited to a repository) is automated and trivial through the Migrate command.
  • Migrate doesn't care which version you are migrating from, making it easy to use across multiple systems or databases which may be at different levels of the model
  • Migrate is tenant-aware if so configured and can migrate concurrently multiple databases at once to keep them all in sync.

No matter what, you still need someone who understands schema design reviewing model changes, but we have seen teams with very junior elements take to Tilda easily and lighten the overall process load from the Architect in terms of updating the model definition and deploying it. As a result, the function of a DBA much less critical.

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