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Tilda JSON Syntax: View Where Clause

Laurent Hasson edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 4 revisions

<-- View Syntax

Where Clauses

Views often specify a where clause to filter the final results. A where clause looks like the following:

  "clause":[" is not null"
           ," and is not null"
           ," and is null"
           ," and is null"
 ,"description":["For an Order to be considered, it must:<UL>"
                ,"<LI>be associated to a visit,</LI>"
                ,"<LI>have an ordered date,</LI>"
                ,"<LI>not be canceled,</LI>"
                ,"<LI>not be voided</LI>"

  "clause":[" in ('X', 'Y', 'Z')"
           ,"AND >= '2015-01-01'"
           ,"AND date_part('year', <= date_part('year', current_date)"
 ,"description":["For a visit to be considered, it must:<UL>"
                ,"<LI>have a status = 'X', 'Y' or 'Z',</LI>"
                ,"<LI>have started between Jan 1st 2015 and the end of this current year.</LI>"

The main fields are:

  • subWhereX: The where clause definition.
  • clause: a fragment of SQL that would work in a where clause.
  • description: An HTML fragment for the description of what the filter does.

🎈 NOTE: In an earlier version of Tilda, there was a "subWhere" element which only specified the where clause without any documentation. It was decided to deprecate that feature and use "subWhereX", where "X" stands for "eXtended".

🎈 NOTE: Tilda will parse the clause and requires the fully qualified "<package>.<schema>.<table>.<column>" syntax to reference any given column.

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