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Getting Started Part 7: Web Project

Laurent Hasson edited this page Nov 30, 2019 · 3 revisions
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Create a new Dynamic Web Project “TildaTutorialWeb”, and then select “Generate web.xml deployment descriptor”.

Copy the files log4j2.xml and tilda.config.json from the sample files folder into your project’s src folder.

Configure “log-path” and your database connection details to match your environment

Configure the project’s java build path properties, select the “Project” tab and add “TildaTutorial” to the Classpath.

Configure the Web Deployment Assembly details and add the 2 projects we have created previously.

We are not done yet though. If you now look at the deployment assemblies, you will notice that the RootProject is not defining its library dependencies. This is not automatic.

We have to go back to the RootProject and make sure all the libraries are defined there as Deployment Assemblies as well. The main issue is that only after you have declared a project as a deployment dependency will Eclipse allow you to configure those dependent projects for deployment as well. So you have to take care of the Web project first, and then get back to the Root project. This is a one-time affair only.

You can now see the dependent libraries explicitly defined for deployment.

So now, if you go back to the Web project (right-click, Properties, Deployment Assemblies), you will now see RootProject and its dependencies properly listed.

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