Base Program: FSA-Validator
This is a project with the implementation of FSA to RegExp, which was accepted by the given FSA.
--> input: "input.txt"
--> output: "result.txt" AND console
Order | Error |
1 | E1: Input file is malformed |
2 | E2: Initial state is not defined |
3 | E3: Set of accepting states is empty |
4 | E4: A state 's' is not in the set of states |
5 | E5: A transition 'a' is not represented in the alphabet |
6 | E6: Some states are disjoint |
7 | E7: FSA is nondeterministic |
If the error was occured --> print error message and terminate.
Regular Expressions, which will be accepted by FSA.
states=[s1,s2,...] // s1 , s2, ... ∈ latin letters, words and numbers
alpha=[a1,a2, ...] // a1 , a2, ... ∈ latin letters, words, numbers and character '_’(underscore)
initial=[s] // s ∈ states
accepting=[s1,s2,...] // s1, s2 ∈ states
trans=[s1>a>s2,... ] // s1,s2,...∈ states; a ∈ alpha
- Denote
$\emptyset$ as {}; - Denote Ɛ as eps;
- Define updated rule with the additional parentheses:
- At each step, each RegExp should be surrounded by parentheses:
- The regular expression parts' content should be in lexicographical order, but Ɛ should be at the end of each part:
--> input.txt:
--> result.txt AND console: