This test was made to show my front end skills to Takever company, as a first step for the front end job interview.
Here you will see how I've consumed and rendered the data from the PokeApi, make the pagination to show all the 1279 existing pokemons, in step by 20, and render some information about then in another screen.
To work in this project, I've choose the follow technologies:
- React - Mandatory;
- Vite - to create the react environment;
- Styled components - To style and make all the components better to human read;
- React Router Dom v6 - To navigate between pages, and
- Axios - To consume the api and create the base Url to be user in all components
To run the application locally you should first clone the repo. In order to do this, you need to open your terminal, choose where you want to clone the repo, then run :
git clone
Then you need to get into this new folder in your local machine, just typing:
cd takever-front-end-test
Once you're into the test folder, you should install all the dependencies packages running
npm i
or npm install
When the dependencies are installed, you should run the last command at the terminal, that is :
yarn dev
npm run dev
This command will run the the application, and opening the localhost at the port 5173
You just need to open your browser and access this link, and you will navigate through the application. YOU'RE IN !
[x] Use React
[x] Use React hooks, router and state management
[x] Consume Api
[x] Create all pages and components
[x] Create pagination
[x] Handle fav pokemons
[x] Use localStorage to handle fav pokemons
[x] Add comment in code, to explain some parts
[x] Responsive application
[x] Create a README with some information about the test
[ ] Unit tests.
This code test is challenging at the point that i should consume the pokemon api. This api is very well structured, and there is a lot of information. To render all the data, you should pass some parameters to the components, render them , and later show it. To render the pokemon data, you should dive into the props coming from the api, there is a lot of objects into other objects. BUT at the end, it's real cool and I 've learned a lot with it.