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The benchmarks of ChASE eigensolver was run on the supercomputer JUWELS-Booster for the GPU build.

JUWELS-Booster composes 936 NVIDIA GPU-accelerated compute nodes. The configuration of each node is two 24 cores AMD EPYC 7402 CPUs @ 2.25 GHz (16x32 GB DDR4 Memory), 4xNVIDIA A100 GPU with 40 GB memory. The interconnect are 4x InfiniBand HDR (Connect-X6).

The bencmarks include the numerical tests:

  • validation of our proposed condition number estimation vs real condition number computed by SVD
  • Comparison of numerical behaviors of ChASE with Householder QR and with a flexible selection of communication-avoiding variants of CholeskyQR based on the estimation of condition numbers of filtered vectors

and the parallel performance tests:

  • communication, computation and data movement costs in the kernels Filter, QR, Rayleigh-Ritz and Residuals
  • overhead of initialization
  • weak scaling for the GPU builds, and its comparison with previous version
  • strong scaling for the GPU builds, and its comparison with previous version and ELPA eigensolver library

We provide a collection of artificats:

With all the artifcats provided, the results are fully reproducible. For the strong and weak scaling tests, it is not necessary to run all the points, and the data extraction and visualization scripts can still produce a meaningful results closed to the one in the paper.

Software dependencies

The build of both CPU and GPU version ChASE requires

  • a C/C++ compiler (GCC 11.3.0 tested)
  • MPI (OpenMPI 4.1.4 tested)
  • Intel MKL (version 2022.1.0 tested)
  • CMake (version 3.23.1 tested)
  • Boost (version 1.79.0 tested)
  • CUDA (version 11.7 tested)
  • git (version 2.36.0 tested)

ChASE is able to be built on top of any BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK variants, but the ones we use are Intel MKL.

extract data

Extract of useful data from the output of experiments requires

  • grep
  • sed
  • tr


The plots of results require Python3 (version 3.8.5 tested) with the libraries:

  • matplotlib (version 3.3.2 tested)
  • pandas (version 1.3.2 tested)
  • seaborn (version 0.11.0 tested)
  • numpy (version 1.19.2 tested)

Quick build of ChASE

The builds of ChASE on multiple platforms and Operating systems are available in the Documentation.

All the benchmarks uses the /examples/2_input_output in the ChASE repository, a detailed explanation of this example is available in this link.

This example relies on Boost for parsing command line arguments, and we list some important options of /examples/2_input_output as follows

ChASE Options:
  -h [ --help ]           show this message
  --n arg                 Size of the Input Matrix
  --double arg (=1)       Is matrix double valued, false indicates the single
  --complex arg (=1)      Matrix is complex, false indicated the real matrix
  --nev arg               Wanted Number of Eigenpairs
  --nex arg (=25)         Extra Search Dimensions
  --deg arg (=20)         Initial filtering degree
  --maxDeg arg (=36)      Sets the maximum value of the degree of the Chebyshev
  --maxIter arg (=25)     Sets the value of the maximum number of subspace
                          iterationswithin ChASE
  --tol arg (=1e-10)      Tolerance for Eigenpair convergence
  --path_in arg           Path to the input matrix/matrices
  --mode arg (=A)         valid values are R(andom) or A(pproximate)
  --opt arg (=S)          Optimi(S)e degree, or do (N)ot optimise
  --lanczosIter arg (=25) Sets the number of Lanczos iterations executed by
  --numLanczos arg (=4)    Sets the number of stochastic vectors used for the
                          spectral estimatesin Lanczos

Workflow of experiments

We want to clarify that all the builds and SLRUM jobs for the benchmarks are provided here. It is not necessary to build ChASE by hand.

For the benchmark, it is enough to clone this repository as follows:

git clone

There are 4 folders inside:

  • scripts: this folder contains all the required SLURM job scripts, data extraction scripts for all benchmarks.
  • plots: this folder contains the python scripts for the visualization of the results of all benchmarks.
  • results: this folder is designed to store the results of all benchmarks in CSV format.
  • data: this folder is designed to store the generated artificial matrices.

Artifical matrix generation

  1. Scripts: scripts/matGen
  2. Instructions: scripts/matGen/

Estimating the condition number

  1. Scripts: scripts/condEst
  2. Instructions: scripts/condEst/

ChASE with CholeskyQR vs with HHQR

  1. Scripts: scripts/hhQR_vs_cholQR
  2. Instructions: scripts/hhQR_vs_cholQR/

Communication, Computation and data movement overheads

  1. Scripts: scripts/commVScompute
  2. Instructions: scripts/commVScompute/

Weak scaling

  1. Scripts: scripts/weak-scaling
  2. Instructions: scripts/weak-scaling/

Strong scaling

  1. Scripts: scripts/strong-scaling
  2. Instructions: scripts/strong-scaling/