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Flexible user interface for scientific simulations


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Welcome to Sciris

What is Sciris?

Glad you asked! Sciris is a flexible open source framework for building scientific web applications using Python and JavaScript. It comes in two parts: sciris is a collection of tools that should make scientific Python coding a more pleasant experience, while scirisweb is a collection of tools that allow you to easily build Python webapps. Sciris is built on Numpy and Matplotlib, while Sciris Web is built on Vue.js, Flask, Twisted, Redis, and mpld3.

Some highlights of sciris:

  • odict -- like an OrderedDict, but allows reference by position like a list, as well as many powerful methods (such as casting to array, sorting and enumeration functions, etc.)
  • promotetoarray -- standardizes any kind of numeric input to a Numpy array, so e.g. 1, [1], (1,) etc. are all converted to array([1])
  • checktype -- quickly determine the type of the input, e.g. checktype([1,2,3], 'arraylike', subtype='number') # returns True
  • findnearest -- find the element of an array closest to the input value
  • loadobj, saveobj -- flexible methods to save/load arbitrary Python objects
  • vectocolor -- map a given vector into a set of colors
  • gridcolors -- pick a set of colors from maximally distant parts of color-space (e.g. for plots with large numbers of lines)
  • smoothinterp -- linear interpolation with smoothing
  • asd -- adaptive stochastic descent, an algorithm for optimizing functions as few function evaluations as possible

Some highlights of scirisweb:

  • ScirisApp -- a fully featured server that can be created as simply as app = ScirisApp(config) and run with
  • RPC -- a simple function for defining links between the frontend and the backend
  • Datastore -- user and data management based on Redis

Is Sciris ready yet?

Sort of. Sciris is available for use, but is still undergoing rapid deveopment. We expect a first stable version of Sciris to be ready in early 2020. If you would like us to let you know when it's ready, please email

Installation and run instructions

20-second quick start guide

  1. Install Sciris: pip install scirisweb

  2. Download ScirisWeb (e.g. git clone

  3. Change to the Hello World folder: cd scirisweb/examples/helloworld

  4. Run the app: python

  5. Go to localhost:8080 in your browser

  6. Have fun!

Medium-quick start guide

Note: if you're a developer, you'll likely already have some/all of these packages installed.

  1. Install NodeJS (JavaScript manager)

  2. Install Redis (database)

  3. Install Anaconda Python (simulation engine)

  4. Once you've done all that, to install, simply run python develop in the root folder, or python develop minimal to skip installing optional dependencies (e.g. spreadsheet reading and writing). This should install Sciris as an importable Python module. If you need Sciris Web as well, run python develop.

To test, open up a new Python window and type import sciris (and/or import scirisweb)

If you have problems, please consult the rest of this guide for more information.

Installing on Linux

The easiest way to install Sciris is by using pip: pip install scirisweb (which will also automatically install sciris). If you want to install from source, follow these steps:

  1. Install Git: sudo apt install git

  2. Install NodeJS: sudo apt install nodejs

  3. Install Redis:

  4. (Optional) Install Anaconda Python (as of version 0.15, Sciris is only compatible with Python 3), and make sure it's the default Python, e.g.

your_computer:~> python
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49) 
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  1. Clone the Sciris repositories: git clone and git clone

  2. Run python develop in each of the two Sciris folders.

  3. To test, open up a new Python window and type import sciris and import scirisweb. You should see something like:

>>> import sciris
>>> import scirisweb
Sciris Web 0.12.0 (2018-11-24) -- (c) Sciris

Installing on Windows

Package and library dependencies

Make sure that you have npm (included in Node.js installation) and git installed on your machine.
First, install Anaconda Python. In your Python setup, you also need to have the following packages (instructions in parentheses show how to install with Anaconda Python environment already installed). Note, these should all be installed automatically when you type python develop and python develop.

Database dependencies

If you use Redis as your DataStore mode, you will need to have Redis installed on your computer (as a service). Redis does not directly support Windows, but there is a MicrosoftArchive page on GitHub where you may go for installation directions on your Windows machine. (For example, it can be installed at this site , downloading a .msi file). It ends up being installed as a service which you can navigate to by going the Windows Task Manager and going to the Services tab. Make sure the Redis service is in the Running state.

Most likely, the directory for your Redis executables will be installed at C:\Program Files\Redis. In that directory, you can double-click the icon for redis-cli.exe to start the redis database command line interface at the default Redis database (#0). You can do keys * to look at all of the store key / value pairs in the database, and exit exits the interface.
Most likely, you will want to use a non-default (i.e. N is not 0) database. To investigate what keys are in, for example, database #2, while you are within redis-cli, you can type select 2 to switch to that database.

Installing on Mac

WARNING, work in progress!

  1. Install Git. This can be done by installing Xcode commandline tools.

         xcode-select --install
  2. Install NodeJS. Visit and download the Mac version and install.

  3. Install Redis: or run (Assumming brew is installed)

         brew install redis
  4. Install Anaconda Python 3, and make sure it's the default Python, e.g.

your_computer:~> python
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49) 
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  1. Create a directory that will hold Scris. For reference purposes we will create and refer to that directory as pyenv.

  2. Clone the Sciris repository into pyenv: git clone

  3. Create a Python virtual environment (venv) inside the directory of your choice. This will be the parent of the Sciris folder.

     `virtualenv venv`

    More information about python virtual environments can be found here The project structure should be as follows;

  4. Get into the virtual environment. While inside the pyenv folder, to activate the virtual environment, type:

  5. Change to the Sciris root folder and type:

python develop python develop

10. To test if the if everything is working accordingly, open Python window within the virtual environment and type `import sciris` and `import scirisweb`. If no errors occur, then the import worked.

## Examples

In the `examples` and `vue_proto_webapps` directories are contained a number
of working examples of web applications combining Vue, Flask, and Twisted.
These are being used as stepping stones for developing the main framework
based in `user_interface`, `session_manager`, `model_code`, and `bin`.

### Hello World

A very simple test case of Sciris. In the `examples/helloworld` folder, type `python`. If you go to `localhost:8080` in your browser, it should be running a simple Python webapp.

See the directions [here]( on how to install and run this example.


Flexible user interface for scientific simulations







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  • Python 100.0%