source: contains all files for TestClusterIso Class...
- finds isolation energy of every cluster in EMCal, build this - it gets called in Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C
treesource: contains all files for TreeMaker Class...
- TreeMaker.C is a small module for testing ClusterIso as well as Photon ID Packages
testClusterIso: folder which contains all modules needed to run Fun4All...
- Use root to run Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C with input HEPMC file and output DST file to simulate collisions in the sPHENIX detector
- Used to test ClusterIso package
testOldProb: folder which contains all modules needed to run Fun4All...
- Use root to run Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C with input HEPMC file and output DST file to simulate collisions in the sPHENIX detector
- Used to test the old recycled phenix prob algorithm
testPhotonID:folder which contains all modules needed to run Fun4All...
- Use root to run Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C with input HEPMC file, output DST file, and embedd file to simulate direct photons in Au+Au collisions in the sPHENIX detector