My coding exercise when studying algorithms, data structures, solving games and puzzles.
Comparison-based sorting: these models must take at least Ω(nlogn) steps
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Heap sort
Linear-time sorting:
- Counting sort
- Radix sort
- Bucket sort
- Linear select
- An algorithm which is faster than the quadratic "grade school" by turning original problem into smaller problems (karatsuba-multiplication)
- Find the maximum profit of 1 time buying and selling stock, given the stock price (maximum-subarray)
- Find a lowest altitude that a ball can roll into compared to its neighbors(local-minimum)
- Measure the similarity between users about ranking favorite movies - collaborative filtering technique (counting-inversions)
- (closest-pair)
- An algorithm with faster running time comparing to normal matrix multiplication we take from linear algebra course (strassen-matrix-multiplication)
- N-Queens
- Knapsack
- Maze
- Color graph
- Cut Rod
- Fibonacci
- Knapsack
- Longest common sequence
- Binary search trees
- Red-black trees
- B-tree
- Heap
- Hash tables
- Undirected and directed graph class ( vs
- DFS and typological sorting - Sort clothing when getting dressed or scheduling classes' order based on its prequeresite ( vs
- DFS and simple path - How many ways get to B from A? ( vs
- DFS and strongly connected components - Used in detecting network failure, data visualization and clustering ( vs
- BFS and shortest path - Find a Bacon number, which is the number of degrees of separation from an actor to Kevin Bacon ( vs
- BFS and bipartiteness testing - Seperate objects into two so that it will not conflict with the other ( vs
- Dijkstra's - Find the shortest path in non-negative weighted graph (
- Bellman Ford - Find the shortest path in graph which has negative weights (
- DAG shortest paths - An algorithm of PERT application, which helps arrange and performs tasks more efficiently (
- Floyd Warshall - Find all pairs shortest path (
- Johnson - Find all pairs shortest path (
- Transitive Closure - Check if there is a path from one destination to another detination (