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Nick Lucius edited this page Jun 21, 2019 · 7 revisions

The canonical document on policies for submitting to CRAN is the R project's Writing R Extensions.

Project Maintainer

  1. Ensure the file is updated
  2. Create a pull request from the dev branch into master.
  3. Wait for the builds to pass Travis CI and AppVeyor and ensure they pass. Check Coveralls to ensure code coverage remains high.
  4. Manually check any tests that contain a skip() call in the test block.
  5. Once all tests pass, retrieve the artifacts from Appveyor and download it. This ensures the package submitted to CRAN has passed the appropriate tests, is the correct build of RSocrata, and is built using the latest version of R.
  6. Submit the downloaded artifacts to CRAN.
  7. Upon acceptance in CRAN, make others aware of the new release through the following channels:
  • Send a note to project team on the availability of the new version
  • Message through social media (e.g., @ChicagoCDO)
  • Post on Digital Chicago -- typically for major and minor releases
  1. Create a new release on GitHub with release notes (use notes from

Project Manager

  1. If needed, close the applicable issues on the Issues page.
  2. Remove branches that have been merged and accepted in the CRAN release.
  3. Close the milestone
  4. Schedule a sprint review
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