- calculates synaptic parameters by fitting synaptic currents from train stimulation to NpRf model. Estimates N (RRP size), p (initial release probability), R (replenishment), and f (synaptic facilitation). This model was developed and described in "Thanawala MS, Regehr WG (2016) Determining Synaptic Parameters Using High-Frequency Activation. J Neurosci Methods 264:136–152."
Input: EPSC/IPSC amplitudes from train stimulation, units are not important, but the estimated RRP will be in the same units
Output: Struct containing estimated values for N, p, R, and f
When using, please cite the original publication: "Thanawala MS, Regehr WG (2016) Determining Synaptic Parameters Using High-Frequency Activation. J Neurosci Methods 264:136–152."
requires Optimization Toolbox and Curve Fitting Toolbox in Matlab (tm).