Update a resume with new skills and projects as you progress along the Nanodegree Program.
##Hosted via Github Pages - https://christianq010.github.io/udacity_resume_project/
- All of the HTML code needed to build the resume is stored in js/helper.js variables. The variable names indicate their function.
- All Styling of these elements has been changed to suit the design but the data in the javaScript objects are appended or prepended into the appropriate location.
Repository includes the following files:
- assets(dir): Contains all of the fonts, CSS, JS and other resources that make up the Custom Bootstrap Theme.
- bootstrap3: Contains all Bootstrap 3 Resources.
- index.html: The main HTML document. Contains links to all of the CSS and JS resources needed to render the resume, including resumeBuilder.js.
- js/helper.js: Contains helper code needed to format the resume and build the map. Styling of certain elements has been changed to suit the design.
- js/resumeBuilder.js: Data File.
- js/jQuery.js: The jQuery library.
- css/custom.css: Contains all my custom styles added to the Framework.
- README.md: The GitHub readme file.
- and some images in the images directory.
- Re-designed the entire Resume with a custom Bootstrap Framework by Creative Tim(http://demos.creative-tim.com/paper-kit/).
- Build four JavaScript objects, each one representing a different resume section.
- Iterate through each javaScript object and append its information to index.html in different sections.
- All Project Styling has been changed to suit the Custom Theme.
- Responsive layout for different devices not done yet.
#Project Successfully met Specifications