This project is an attempt at creating a tool to detect gaps in public transit coverage from both a network analysis perspective as well as an intersectional perspective. It is part of a larger thesis project with a not-yet-started write-up here
Clone this repository. Move into the folder And run
docker build -t thesis .
Create a folder with the following contents
folder | contents |
gtfs |
gtfs data either as subdirectory or as zip archive |
population |
population data from the Global Human Settlement Layer |
output |
output will be saved here as a GeoJSON |
Run the following docker command with
docker run -v $DATAFOLDER$:/data thesis -g $GTFSPATH$ place
needs to be an absolute path to a data folder.GTFSPATH
needs to be/data/
+ the relative path to the desired gtfs file within yourDATAFOLDER
is a location string that will be passed to the nominatim API.
For example:
docker run -v /home/emily/thesis_BA/data/:/data -g /data/gtfs/ thesis Wiesloch
docker run -v $HOME/data:/data --rm --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined --workdir=/ thesis2 -g /data/gtfs/ Heidelberg
Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object {$_.InterfaceDescription -Match "Cisco AnyConnect"} | Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceMetric 4000
Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (WSL)" | Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceMetric 1
Needs a recent Docker
Can closeness centrality map on to car and public transport differences
Can closeness centrality work as an indicator for temporal public transport variabilty within cities? Why?
- population data and lorenz curves
- temporal analysis: many departure times a day, compare results: use case ebay classifieds and friends
- think about equalizing of closeness centrality
- final run on server
- optimise script for server usage
- difference between 10th and 90th percentile as a measure of "turning up and wait"-abilty vs a need to plan
- run analysis for heidelberg + surrounding area on server
- create new repo for analysis
- how much planning over the area
- compare different profiles: use classification?
- pick different representative cells with detailed analysis
- from one cell to any cell over time
- detailed routing for outlier connections
- group by neighbourhoods
- compare different cities
- compare to car but with added door to door delays for cars
- compare methods for schools closeness centrality and isochrone
- open questions!
- compare cities with different layouts