嗨!你好,我是Circle。热爱编程、摄影、游戏、视频剪辑。 热爱计算机科学和 IT 互联网事业,希望能成为一名优秀的开发者。 我们正在让这个世界变得更加美好,通过代码的重复使用和延展构建完美体系。目前正在从事人工智能算法、深度学习和计算机视觉工作👨💻🐒
hi! Hi, I'm Circle. Love programming, photography, games, video editing. I love computer science and IT Internet career, and hope to become an excellent developer. We are making the world a better place, building perfect systems through the reuse and extension of code. He is currently working on artificial intelligence algorithms, deep learning and computer vision 👨💻🐒