a simple personal status provider for bars similar to the one in dwm that just take a string of text either through stdin or xroot window title, started as a fork of an old slstatus most of the codebase has been rewritten since.
- battery percentage
- battery state
- battery time left
- battery smapi info
- cpu frequency
- cpu percentage
- datetime
- disk space left/used/available/percentage
- disk io
- entropy
- fan speed (through ibm fan)
- gid
- hostname
- ip
- load average
- network download
- network upload
- memory used/left/available/percentage
- custom shell command
- swap used/left/available/percentage
- temperature
- uid
- uptime
- username
- volume percentage alsa
- volume percentage pulse
- micvolume percentage pulse
- current pulse profile
- wifi essid
- wifi signal percentage
sstat has a fixed refresh execution time adjusted interval of 1 second, this is done to make it easy to have multiple time sensitive functions such as cpu usage and network upload/download speed. it has been written with minimal memory footprint in mind and can easily be launched to background with sstat -d.
- clone repo
make clean install
- edit config.h to your liking
- go back to step 2
config.h will contain a bunch of hopefully helpful explanations of the functions available, more advanced setup examples(personally configs) are also given in the config.cate.*
files. the main idea is you define your status similar to how you would construct a typical printf, you provide a format and content in the form of functions to make up you final status string. something to keep in mind PULSE
has to be defined for any pulse functionality.
it's suggested you start sstat with sstat -d
from your startup script or other means
usage: sstat [option]
-d start daemonized
-o print status instead of setting it as rootwindow title
-v print version info and exit
-h print this info and exit
- redo/cleanup pulse implementation
- more system info functions
you can report bugs or make feature requests on the issues page
for contribution, just help fix bugs and send a pr, or do whatever really, if it's useful I'll probably merge it.