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Notice: This Discord bot has been written to fulfill specific functions in our community. It was never intended and prepared for multi-server environments and/or scalable deployments. It's a bot designed to run on one specific server. You are free to use and/or copy this bot, but we can not provide support.

This Discord Bot, based on py-cord version 2.1.1, is a simple, self-hosted, custom bot to implement automatic Voice Channel scaling, self-role Text Channel administration, automatic roles on new member joins, polls and some basic command functions. It has been written to combat the woes of Voice Channel management (always having either too much or not enough Voice Channels) and Text Channel assignments for your Discord members. It also changes the name of a Voice Channel to the activity of connected users, automatically showing the topic of the Voice Channel. The self-role funtionality allows users to add roles to themselves so they can (un)subscribe Text Channels to/from their client using a dedicated configuration Text Channel.

Automatic Builds

This project uses GitHub Actions to build and push new images to Docker Hub clanbadjas/clanbotjas

Docker Image CI

Installation and configuration

ClanBotJas can be run as standalone Python application, as a pre-built container or as a container built from source. Please see the Wiki for a full guide.