🌱 I've been coding in many different stacks since 2018, whenever I have spontaneous ideas for unusual projects. I'm currently accompany them with articles on my
❇️ I'm a fan of everything related to IT and networking technologies. I can whip up a soup of twisted pairs when I urgently need to feed a sysadmin with problems. I love long dashes—but I usually don't use them. My favorite fictional series of works is Science Adventure (MAGES.inc).
⛔ I condemn algorithm cults where the level of your stack is considered equivalent to the number of sorting algorithms you know. (TL;DR: The author doesn't know Dijkstra)
🔇 I respect Corporate/Goverment services only if they don't exploit your data as a resource and don't disturb our peaceful living. I hope that the era of a global nefarious internet won't come, but considering current trends, it's getting closer.
⚙️ Technologies:
🖥️ Desktop |
🔭 Web |
⚗️ Tools |
🎭 OS |
💾 Used, but not skilled yet |