This is a Python script that uses a Bolt IoT module and an ultrasonic sensor to detect when someone is close to the door and trigger a buzzer and green LED. The script also sends a ping to ntfy to alert the user that someone is at the door.
To use this script, you will need:
- A Bolt IoT module
- An ultrasonic sensor
- A buzzer
- A green LED
- Jumper wires to connect the components
- A ntfy API token
- Connect the ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, and green LED to the Bolt IoT module according to the pinout described in the code.
- Install the Bolt IoT Python library by running pip install boltiot in the terminal.
- Clone or download the file to your computer.
- Open the file in a text editor and replace the placeholders for the Bolt IoT API key, device ID, and ntfy API token with your own values.
- Save the file.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the file is located.
- Run the script by typing python in the terminal and pressing Enter.
- The script will start running and will detect when someone is close to the door. When someone is detected, the buzzer and green LED will be triggered and a ping will be sent to ntfy to alert the user.
To stop the script, press Ctrl+C in the terminal.
You can customize the script by changing the following variables:
- distance_threshold: The distance in centimeters at which the ultrasonic sensor should trigger the alert.
- delay_time: The time in seconds to wait before triggering the alert to prevent false triggers.
- ntfy_title: The title of the ping sent to ntfy.
- ntfy_priority: The priority of the ping sent to ntfy. Set to "normal" by default, but can be changed to "high" if multiple instances are triggered at once.
- ntfy_tags: The tags to include in the ping sent to ntfy.
- Ultrasonic sensor:
- VCC pin to 5V pin on the Bolt IoT module
- GND pin to GND pin on the Bolt IoT module
- Trig pin to digital pin 0 on the Bolt IoT module
- Echo pin to digital pin 1 on the Bolt IoT module
- Buzzer:
- Positive pin to digital pin 2 on the Bolt IoT module
- Negative pin to GND pin on the Bolt IoT module
- Green LED:
- Positive pin to digital pin 3 on the Bolt IoT module
- Negative pin to GND pin on the Bolt IoT module