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💻 Experimental Nano with dependent types

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Nona : Lazy Programming Language with Dependent Types

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Experimental Nano with dependent types
Latest version: Nona-0.8.6

  / ___  / ___  / ___  / _  |
 / /  / / /__/ / /  / / __  |
/_/  /_/______/_/  /_/_/ |__|     by Comcx

NOTE! Codes in /src are out-of-date
EXE file which is fresh can be used directly

Getting Started!

Nona only support Windows 64bits and Linux 64bits platform right now.

Jump to the directory where Nona-x.x.exe lies,  
      (input command: '.\Nona-0.8.6.exe' or just double click the EXE file))
      (input command: '.\Nona-0.8.6-linux')))

Incomplete Intro

  • Expression :=

    Format Explanation
    Variable Single variable
    (Fun params) Lambda application
    (: Expr type) Type signature
    (= (bindings) Expr) Bindings
    (=o (pattern) Expr) Recursive bindings
    (=: (bindings) Expr) Inductive families
    (if Expr Expr Expr) Conditional
    (\ (params) Expr) Lambda abstraction
    (-> (: a t) b) Dependent function space

  • Declaration :=

    • (= pattern Expression)
    • (=o pattern Expression)
    • (=: var Type)
    • (: Expr Type)

  • Preluded terms:

    Terms Explanation
    (0 1 2 ..) with type Int
    (+ - * /) for Integers
    "_" with type String
    (true false) with type Bool
    (Int Bool String Symbol IO) which is Set
    (, fst snd) for tuples !note moved to lib right now!!
    :: () list for lists
    print to print

  • REPL use

    • Global environment:
      You can:
      type in (= <pattern> <expression>) to add definition to global environment;
      type in (=o <pattern> <expression>) to add recursive definition to global environment;
      type in (=: <variable> <type>) to construct new types to global environment.

    • Commands:
      version to show current version
      (quit) to quit repl
      (help) to ask for help
      (type <expr>) to show type info
      (na <file>) to load defs
      (no <file>) to load *.no files


  • Lexical scope mangement
  • Purely functional
  • Inductive family
  • Dependent type system
  • Type inference with unification
  • Church numeral can be built(refer to lib/
  • First class record and typeclass
  • String == (List Symbol)


(Module Test ( -- The test file

-- Ploymorphism & Dependent types
(= (: id (-> (: a Set) a a)) (\ (a x) x))
(= (: .  (-> (: a Set) (: b Set) (: c Set) (-> b c) (-> a b) (-> a c))) 
    (\ (a b c f g x) (f (g x))))
(= (: weird (-> (: x Int) (if (== x 0) Int Bool) String))
    (\ (x a) "OK"))

-- Boolean functions
(= (not b)   (if b false true))
(= (and (: a Bool) (: b Bool)) (if a b false))
(= (or  a b) (if a true b))
(= (xor a b) (if (and (or a b) (not (and a b))) true false))

-- Inductive dependent sum pair
(=: Sum (-> (: A Set) (: B (-> A Set)) Set))
(=: ,   (-> (: A Set) (: B (-> A Set)) (: a A) (: b (B a)) (Sum A B)))

-- Recursion
(=o ((: fact (-> Int Int)) n)
  (if (== n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

(: foldl-Int (-> (: b Set) (-> b Int b) b (List Int) b))
(=o (foldl-Int b h x xs)
    (if (== (head Int xs) 0) x
      (foldl-Int b h (h x (head Int xs)) (tail Int xs))))

(: circle (-> (: a Set) a Int (List a)))
(=o (circle a x n)
  (if (== n 0) (() a) (:: a x (circle a x (- n 1)))))

(=o ((: ^ (-> Int Int Int)) x n)
  (if (== n 0) 1 (* x (^ x (- n 1)))))

))--------- end of Test ---------((


  • Not support weak normal head form(WNHF), not completely lazy...
  • Lack support of pattern matching for dependent types
  • ...