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Efficient Enumeration of Correlation Clustering Optimal Solution Space

  • Copyright 2020-21 Nejat Arınık

EnumCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For source availability and license information see the file LICENCE


EnumCC is an optimal solution space enumeration method for the Correlation Clustering (CC) problem. It relies on two essential tasks: Recurrent neighborhood search (RNS) and jumping onto an undiscovered solution. The former is performed by the component RNSCC, whereas the latter is done by the commercial solver Cplex.

In the first step, instead of directly jumping onto undiscovered optimal solutions one by one through Cplex, as in a traditional sequential approach, its component RNSCC discovers the recurrent neighborhood of the current optimal solution P with the hope of discovering new optimal solutions. The recurrent neighborhood of an optimal solution P, represents the set of optimal solutions, reached directly or indirectly from P depending on the maximum distance parameter maxNbEdit. Whether a new solution is found or not through RNSCC, the jumping process into a new solution P is performed. If P is not empty, the workflow of RNS and jumping is repeated again. Otherwise, the enumeration process stops. See our article [Arınık'23] for more details.

If you use this software, please cite article [Arınık'23]:

  author    = {Arınık, Nejat and Figueiredo, Rosa and Labatut, Vincent},
  title     = {Efficient Enumeration of the Optimal Solutions to the Correlation Clustering problem},
  journal   = {Journal of Global Optimization},
  year      = {2023},
  volume    = {86},
  pages     = {355-391},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10898-023-01270-3},

Input parameters

  • inFile: Input file path. See in/exemple.G for the input graph format.

  • outDir: Output directory path. Default . (i.e. the current directory).

  • initMembershipFilePath: The membership file path, from which the RNSCC starts. It must be an optimal solution of the given signed graph. Moreover, It must be named as membership0.txt or something different than membership<x>.txt. See out/exemple/membership0.txt for its format. This file can be obtained through ExCC by running the script

  • java.library.path: The Cplex Java library path. It is usually found in <YOUR_CPLEX_PATH>/cplex/lib/cplex.jar.

  • maxNbEdit: The maximum value edit distance value to be considered in edit operations. We show in our experiments that maxNbEdit=3 is usually more appropriate.

  • tilim: Time limit in seconds for the whole program. Default -1, which means no time limit.

  • solLim: Maximum number of optimal solutions to be discovered. This can be useful when there is a huge number of optimal solutions, e.g. 50,000. Default -1.

  • JAR_filepath_RNSCC: The jar file path for RNSCC.

  • LPFilePath: It allows to import a Cplex LP file, corresponding to a ILP formulation of a signed graph for the CC problem. Remark: Such a file is obtained through Cplex by doing exportModel(). This file can be obtained through ExCC by running the script In ExCC, the name of this file is strengthedModelAfterRootRelaxation.lp.

Instructions & Use

Use 1

Install IBM CPlex. The default installation location is: /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio<YOUR_VERSION>. Tested with Cplex 12.8 and 20.1.

Put /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio<YOUR_VERSION>/cplex/lib/cplex.jar into the lib folder in this repository.

Compile and get the jar file for RNSCC: ant -v -buildfile build-rns.xml compile jar.

Compile and get the jar file for EnumCC ant -v -buildfile build.xml compile jar.

We need a starting optimal solution and the ILP model of the given signed graph. We can obtain them by running the script in the ExCC repository.

Run the script

Use 2

Put /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio<YOUR_VERSION>/cplex/lib/cplex.jar into the lib folder in this repository.

Compile and get the jar file for RNSCC: ant -v -buildfile build-rns.xml compile jar.

Compile and get the jar file for EnumCC: ant -v -buildfile build.xml compile jar.

Download the Sosocc repository and put these jar files into the lib folder. Then, run first ExCC and then EnumCC(3). See the instructions of the Sosocc repository for more details.

Example command:

ant -v -buildfile build.xml compile jar
ant -v -buildfile build.xml -DinFile="in/example.G" -DoutDir="out/example" -DmaxNbEdit=3 -DinitMembershipFilePath="out/example/membership0.txt" -DLPFilePath="strengthedModelAfterRootRelaxation.lp" -DJAR_filepath_RNSCC="RNSCC.jar" -DnbThread=4 -Dtilim=-1 -DsolLim=5000 run


  • <x>: Folder <x>, where x is a numerical value starting from 1. Each folder contains the result of a RNSCC` execution and possesses one or multiple optimal solutions.
  • allResults.txt: File storing all absolute paths of the discovered optimal solutions.
  • exec-time.txt: Execution time for the whole enumeration process.
  • jump-exec-time<x>.txt: Execution time for the jumping process through Cplex.
  • jump-log<x>.txt: Cplex log file regarding the the jumping process.
  • jump-status<x>.txt: The Cplex status result in the end of the jumoing process. Three values are possible: Optimal, SolLim, Infeasible.
  • membership<x>.txt: The starting membership file for the (x+1).th RNSCC process.


  • [Arınık'23] N. Arınık & R. Figueiredo & V. Labatut. Efficient Enumeration of the Optimal Solutions to the Correlation Clustering problem, Journal of Global Optimization, 86:355-391, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-023-01270-3 ⟨hal-03935831⟩