Important Notice January 11, 2025 . This repository is being moved. The new location is now located here.
Add a channel to your Mezzmo server to view movie trailers from TMDB.
- Get current TMDB TV Show trailer information for Popular, Airing Today, Currently Airing and Top Rated TV Shows
- Download TV Show trailers and TV Show artwork for local playback through your Mezzmo server
- User selectable feature of 480P, 720P or 1080P quality trailers (if available, otherwise best quality available)
- Automatically move trailers to designated location (i.e. NAS, local disk etc.)
- Option for how many TV Shows to keep for each category (1-100) or unlimited
- Automatic skipping of TV Shows with no trailer files
- Configuration setting for the TV Shows preferred origin country
- Automatic Kodi database search for existing episodes and actor information
- Option to set output trailer output format to mp4 or mkv
- Full detailed logfile
- Full Mezzmo TV Show Trailer channel statistics
- CSV export of trailer information and checker history
- Command line backups of Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel database
- User ability to clear trailer information by TV Show category
- Client software now available in both native Python and Windows x64 formats
- Download the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel release zipfile
- Ensure you have Python installed on Windows. Minimum version 3.x or use the Windows x64 exe version
- Unzip file into an empty folder on your system
- The zipfile contains 2 folders, client and server
- The client folder stays on your local workstation and contains the trailer downloader
- The server folder goes onto your Mezzmo server in the Mezzmo Channels folder
- The Mezzmo channels folder is typically located at c:\ProgramData\Conceiva\Mezzmo\Plugins\
- Edit the config.text client file with the location of your trailer folder and preferred output format
- It is highly suggested not to use the same trailer folder as the Mezzmo Trailer Checker
- Open a command window and run trailers now
See optional command line arguments below. - The client will build the database, check folder locations and download the Now Playing movie trailers
- Next install the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel into Mezzmo
- Open the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel in the Mezzmo GUI and set the trailer path location
in Properties->Settings
- trailers on - Checks for TV Shows currently on-the-air
- trailers air - Checks for Upcoming TV Shows airing today
- trailers pop - Checks for Popular TV Shows
- trailers top - Checks for Top Rated Shows
- trailers all - Checks for all for TV Show categories
- clean category - Clears trailer database info for TV Shows by category and deletes downloaded trailer file
- clean files - Analyzes trailer files and database entries for missing files and entries
- csv trailers - Creates a CSV file with the trailer information in the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel
- csv history - Creates a CSV file with the history information in the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel
- stats - Creates a time stamped file name backup of the Mezzmo TV Shows Trailers Channel database
- backup - Creates a time stamped file name backup of the Mezzmo Trailer Checker database