This Power-Up(?) will keep your Trello cards in sync with Habitica. No coding is required; just fill in the form and you're all set!
Each Power-Up is associated with a team. Once a Power-Up has been added to a team, it will be available to all of the boards that belong to that team. So create a team if you don't have one.
To add a new Power-Up to your team, navigate to the Power-Ups Administration page, choose your team and click Create a Power-Up.
Now it's time to fill in the form.
- First, name your Power-Up.
- To work properly this Power-Up requires some permissions. Make sure you've checked all of the following:
- board-buttons
- card-badges
- card-detail-badges
- list-actions
- Provide the URL to your Power-Up.
- The easiest way is to use the url provided below. As a bonus you will receive all upcoming updates without any changes from your side.
- Or you can fork this repository, publish gh-pages branch to GitHub Pages and use your own url.
- Now you can navigate to one of the boards of the team and activate your Power-Up! You will find it in the Custom section.
- To start the sync process, open any list menu (three dots) and select either "Mark list as Doing" or "Mark list as Done."
Clone the Git repo
$ git clone git://
$ cd trello-habitica
Install packages
$ npm install
For quick start run
$ npm start
It builds the project and runs webpack-dev-server to watch and update when any of the files are changed.
In order to test your code directly on a Trello board you should obtain a public url that points to your local web server. For this purpose install ngrok.
$ ngrok http 8080
This command generates 2 public urls, http and https.
Trello allows to serve Power-Ups only over https.
Once you've done just grab your public url and pass it to the Power-Up form as Iframe connector URL.
$ npm run deploy
That's it, you're live. Try to check your repo's Github Pages url.
The script generates and pushes the dist folder to gh-pages. For this, it creates and switches branches under the hood. Therefore, if you have any uncommited changes it will fail to run.