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Awesome CSS Frameworks Awesome

List of awesome CSS frameworks.
Feel free to contribute.

Supported by 🌎 FrontAid CMS:

FrontAid CMS - Agile Content Management with Git.


Base / Reset / Normalize

  •   5861⭐    352🍴 modern-normalize) - Normalize browsers' default style.
      5861⭐    352🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  •   2003⭐    434🍴 ress) - Modern CSS reset.
      2003⭐    434🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  •    172⭐      8🍴 Natural Selection) - Collection of best-practice CSS selectors.
    | #CSS


Frameworks that use semantic HTML and do not rely on classes.

  • 🌎 MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements.
    🌎 Docs,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 sakura - Minimal classless CSS framework/theme.
    🌎 Demo,   4063⭐    182🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Simple.css - Lightweight, classless CSS framework.
    🌎 Demo,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Docs),      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Tacit - CSS framework for dummies, without classes.
         ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

Very Lightweight

Frameworks that are smaller than ~5KB.

  • 🌎 Pure - Set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  23458⭐   2487🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Picnic CSS - Lightweight and beautiful library.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,   3784⭐    224🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Chota - Really small CSS framework.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,   1363⭐     97🍴 Repo) | #CSS

General Purpose

  • 🌎 Bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs, 167908⭐  78510🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  48777⭐   3927🍴 Repo) | #Sass

  • 🌎 Foundation - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  29651⭐   5501🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 UIkit - Lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  18176⭐   2320🍴 Repo) | #LESS #SCSS

  • 🌎 Primer - CSS framework that powers GitHub's front-end design.
    🌎 Docs,  12483⭐   1190🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Pico.css - Elegant styles for all native HTML elements, dark mode automatically enabled.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  12693⭐    369🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Carbon Components - Component library behind IBM's Carbon Design System.
    🌎 Docs,   7565⭐   1756🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 U.S. Web Design System - Components used by U.S. federal government websites.
    🌎 Docs,   6678⭐    922🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Fomantic-UI - Build beautiful websites fast, with concise HTML, intuitive javascript, and simplified debugging.
    🌎 Docs,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #LESS

  • 🌎 Blaze UI - Open source modular toolkit providing great structure for building websites quickly with a scalable and maintainable foundation.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,   1550⭐    113🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Cirrus - Component and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,   1330⭐     76🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Vanilla Framework - Simple, extensible CSS framework. Written by the Canonical Web Team.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,    793⭐    162🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 PatternFly - UI framework for enterprise web applications.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,    680⭐     94🍴 Repo) | #SCSS #LESS

  • 🌎 Stacks - UI components used by Stack Overflow.
    🌎 Docs,    601⭐     90🍴 Repo) | #LESS

  • 🌎 HiQ - Simple CSS foundation with responsive typography and input styling.
    🌎 Docs,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #PostCSS

Material Design

  • 🌎 Material Components Web - Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  17100⭐   2145🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Beer CSS - Build material design interfaces in record time without stress for devs.
      1000⭐     48🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Materialize - Responsive front-end library based on Google's Material Design.
    🌎 Docs,    855⭐     99🍴 Repo) | #SCSS


  • 🌎 Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
    🌎 Docs,  79934⭐   4024🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Open Props - CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #CSS #PostCSS


  • 🌎 NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework.
    🌎 Demo,  20442⭐   1637🍴 Docs),  20442⭐   1637🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 98.css - CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 98.
      8812⭐    292🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Tufte CSS - Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
      5860⭐    452🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  •   4784⭐    141🍴 Gutenberg) - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
    🌎 Demo,   4784⭐    141🍴 Docs) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 XP.css - CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows XP.
      2144⭐    104🍴 Repo) | #PostCSS

  •   1503⭐     65🍴 TuiCss) - Library to create MS-DOS interfaces.
         ?⭐      ?🍴 Demo),      ?⭐      ?🍴 Docs) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 7.css - CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 7.
      1502⭐     75🍴 Repo) | #PostCSS

  • 🌎 Bojler - Email framework for developing responsive and lightweight email templates.
    🌎 Docs,   1023⭐     59🍴 Repo) | #SCSS


Toolkits are closer to a library than to a framework. They do not provide actual styling but utilities (e.g. mixins) that you can use in your CSS preprocessor.

  • 🌎 Bourbon - Lightweight Sass tool set.
    🌎 Docs,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

Stalled Development

Frameworks that have not seen any real development for more than about one year or officially have been deprecated. We are keeping them here for reference/inspiration and hope for a revival.

Show Section
  • 🌎 Semantic UI - User interface is the language of the web.
    🌎 Docs,  51037⭐   4952🍴 Repo) | #LESS

  • 🌎 Materialize - CSS framework based on material design.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  38859⭐   4742🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Spectre.css - Lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.
    🌎 Docs,  11305⭐    805🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Tachyons - Quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,      ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Milligram - Minimalist CSS framework.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,  10159⭐    745🍴 Repo) | #Sass

  • 🌎 Water.css - Just-add-CSS collection of styles to make simple websites just a little nicer.
      8229⭐    478🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Basscss - Low-level CSS toolkit.
         ?⭐      ?🍴 Repo)

  • 🌎 sanitize.css - The best-practices CSS foundation.
      5178⭐    311🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 MUI - Lightweight CSS framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines.
    🌎 Docs,   4509⭐    427🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  •   2945⭐    447🍴 modern-css-reset) - Tiny little reset that you can use as the basis of your CSS projects.
      2945⭐    447🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 minireset.css - Tiny modern CSS reset.
      2755⭐    522🍴 Repo) | #Sass

  •   2171⭐    113🍴 CSS Remedy) - Start your project with a remedy for the technical debt of CSS.
    | #CSS

  •   1850⭐    206🍴 inuitcss) - Extensible, scalable, Sass-based, OOCSS framework for large and long-lasting UI projects.
      1850⭐    206🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Cutestrap - Sassy, opinionated CSS framework, a tiny alternative to Bootstrap.
      1569⭐     80🍴 Repo)

  • 🌎 unsemantic - Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,   1381⭐    161🍴 Repo)

  • 🌎 Base - Rock solid, responsive HTML/CSS framework.
      1256⭐    150🍴 Docs),   1256⭐    150🍴 Repo) | #SCSS #LESS

  • 🌎 Propeller - Front-end responsive framework based on Google's Material Design standards & Bootstrap.
    🌎 Docs,   1130⭐    142🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Concise CSS - Give up the bloat. Stop tripping over your classes. Be concise.
    🌎 Docs,    940⭐     72🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 Responsive Boilerplate - Powerful, accessible, developer friendly framework for building responsive websites.
    🌎 Docs,    867⭐    141🍴 Repo) | #SCSS

  • 🌎 turretcss - Responsive front-end framework for accessible and semantic websites.
    🌎 Demo, 🌎 Docs,    801⭐     46🍴 Repo) | #CSS

  • 🌎 Centurion - Web-based framework for rapid prototyping and building larger web projects.
       325⭐     57🍴 Docs),    325⭐     57🍴 Repo)


License 🌎 CC0 1.0:

You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Images of GitHub stars are provided by  22887⭐   5468🍴 Shields).


  7517⭐    427🍴 troxler/awesome-css-frameworks)