Streamlines the Unreal Engine coding experiance---the best FREE, COMMUNITY-DRIVEN coding assistant for Unreal Engine 4.x & 5.x.
Little snippets of useful code in either Blueprints or C++ cached by other developers for ease-of-access to the whole community.
Toggle a switch to supercharge coding with active access to the entire Unreal Engine C++ API.
Open your Unreal projects from Unrealify to quick-swap settings/templates per project.
Video soon:tm:
Run with python 3.9.x/3.10.x
Check Contribute.MD
Several threads, mentioned in code where applicable.
The entire w3schools website and
Designed on Figma, powered by Tkinter; V2.0 written by Cowland Game Studios 2022 to extend upon the CodeTracker feature of V1.0.
The entire project is open-source, no secrets here. The compiled version of .exe and .dmg files are provided by python libraries (will list when released)