some synth defs for SuperCollider (gpl v 3)
(note: files/synthdefs with dxkX instead of plain dxk use XOut, usually for effects synthdefs)
- dxkDelayFx - delay-based effects (flanger, phaser, chorus)
- dxkDrums - a collection of percussion synthdefs
- dxkFilters - wrappers around basic filters
- dxkFx - processing synthdefs
- dxkFxFFT - prelim work on some frequency-domain processing synthdefs (simple wrappers for now)
- dxkLoopers - loopers
- dxkMisc - misc SynthDefs (end-of-fx-chain-outputs, etc.)
- dxkModal - modal synthesis
- dxkNobu - sample chopping buf readers
- dxkPitched - various other pitched synthdefs
- dxkReverb - reverberator synthdefs
- dxkSimpleBuf - wrapper around simple Buf UGens
- dxkSimpleDelay - wrappers around Delay UGens
- dxkSimpleOsc - wrappers around oscillator UGens
- dxkSimpleVerb - wrappers around reverb UGens
- dxkSupSynths - synthdefs that require classes from my dxkSup repo
- dxkSynthsMisc - various synthesizers (such as DTMF)
- dxk TrigStr - triggered buffer stretching synthdefs (warp)
- TooBigSynths - synths too big to send via UDP packet