This repository assumes you have dwm on ~/.config. In case not, you should modify the 3 variables on the script. Else, just follow the instructions
move folder .dwmusic to ./dwm
mv ~/.config/dwmusic ~/.config/dwm
cd dwmusic
makepkg -cf
sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.zst
dwmusic -h # Help
dwmusic -l # List of themes
dwm -t [THEME-NAME] # Select theme. try dwm -t dystopia
This project currently is experimental. My monitor is quiet small, so if there's any problem with wallpapers size, you may download them or try to change the --bg-fill. Also, if you prefer to save the wallpapers into another folder, remember to modify the variable THEME_DIR into the script.
<<<<<<< HEAD
-- Open brave browserMOD + R
-- Open rofiMOD + Enter
-- Open alacrittyMOD + SHIFT + F
-- Full screenMOD + SHIFT + Right Arrow
-- Move focus sreen to the right tagMOD + SHIFT + Left Arrow
-- Move focus sreen to the left tag
There's 2 ways you can contribute to this project: add new themes and improve the dwmusic script.
Wallpaper: It should be an illustration or a portrait of any album. Colors: Try to innovate the color pallete. There's bunch of wallpappers that could be match with the currents themes. So, if preferable to focus on the color palette. URL: remember to add the origin of the wallpaper. Bar: Currently, the bar is quiet simple. if you have any idea, or suggestion. you can write it into the Issues tab.
Any improvement to the script or PKBUILD, will be appreciated. Currently the script don't have msg error, LICENSE(GPLv3) , or MAN any idea of implementation could be described into the Issues tabs. Currently i'm thinkin to add a script to download the wallpapers based on monitor sizes, instead of add them into the repo.
-- Open brave browserMOD + R
-- Open rofiMOD + Enter
-- Open alacrittyMOD + SHIFT + F
-- Full screenMOD + SHIFT + Right Arrow
-- Move focus sreen to the right tagMOD + SHIFT + Left Arrow
-- Move focus sreen to the left tag
There's 2 ways you can contribute to this project: add new themes and improve the dwmusic script.
Wallpaper: It should be an illustration or a portrait of any album. Colors: Try to innovate the color pallete. There's bunch of wallpappers that could be match with the currents themes. So, if preferable to focus on the color palette. URL: remember to add the origin of the wallpaper. Bar: Currently, the bar is quiet simple. if you have any idea, or suggestion. you can write it into the Issues tab.
Any improvement to the script or PKBUILD, will be appreciated. Currently the script don't have msg error, LICENSE(GPLv3) , or MAN any idea of implementation could be described into the Issues tabs. Currently i'm thinkin to add a script to download the wallpapers based on monitor sizes, instead of add them into the repo.