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Big mod2 update
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- CZ part:
  - elevation data downloading improved: #7 (comment) (use the "getSamples" method instead of "identify")
  - JSON data is now converting to dictionary (no more string.split operations)
- PL part:
  - "getHeightPL" function replaced by "openUrl"
  - if the server returns less than 200 points' heights, the script will inform about it
- No support for Python 3.8 or newer, and Python older than 3.5
- Code optimization
  • Loading branch information
CrusheerPL authored Jan 24, 2020
1 parent 0624e11 commit 44fcaf0
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 82 deletions.
176 changes: 94 additions & 82 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,117 +1,129 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import platform
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pathlib import Path
import urllib.request
import math
import tqdm

def getHeightCZ(data_tab):
import ast

def openUrl(url):
connerr = True
while (connerr):
f = urllib.request.urlopen("{x:-" + str(data_tab[0]) + ",y:-" + str(data_tab[1]) + ",spatialReference:{wkid:5514}}&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&mosaicRule=&renderingRule=&pixelSize=&time=&returnGeometry=false&returnCatalogItems=false&f=pjson")
f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
if (f.getcode() == 200):
connerr = False
z = str(
z = z.split('"')[9]
if z != "NoData":
return float(z)
return 0

def getHeightPL(rqUrl):
connerr = True
while (connerr):
connerr = False
s = str(, 'utf-8')
return s

def getHeightCZ(rqUrl):
z = ast.literal_eval(openUrl(rqUrl)) # JSON to dictionary
s = ''
for x in range(len(z['samples'])):
s += '%s,' % z['samples'][x]['value']
return s

if __name__ == '__main__':
ver = platform.python_version_tuple()
if (ver[0] == '3' and ver[1] >= '5' and ver[1] <= '7'):
print("demGenerator - Module 2: elevation data downloading\nNOTE:\n- Internet connection required.\n- The script execution time depends on the connection speed and the amount of data to be processed.\n- Due to high data consumption, it is not recommended to run it when the tariff connection is set.")
f = urllib.request.urlopen(rqUrl)
config = open("demGenerator_config.txt", "r")
country = input("Can't load the config file\nCountry code (PL/CZ): ")
if (f.getcode() == 200):
connerr = False
src =
src = str(src, 'utf-8')
return src

if __name__ == '__main__':
print("demGenerator - Module 2: elevation data downloading\nNOTE:\n- Internet connection required.\n- The script execution time depends on the connection speed and the amount of data to be processed.\n- Due to high data consumption, it is not recommended to run it when the tariff connection is set.")
print("Config file is loading...")
country =
country = country.split()[0]
print("Country: %s" % country)
while (country != "CZ" and country != "PL"):
country = input("Re-enter the country code (PL/CZ): ")

config = open("demGenerator_config.txt", "r")
country = input("Can't load the config file\nCountry code (PL/CZ): ")
print("Config file is loading...")
country =
country = country.split()[0]
print("Country: %s" % country)
while (country != "CZ" and country != "PL"):
country = input("Re-enter the country code (PL/CZ): ")

part = int(input("Tile number: "))
while (not Path("demGen_data/xy_%d.txt" % part).exists()):
part = int(input("'xy_%d.txt' doesn't exist - re-enter the tile number: " % part))
data = open("demGen_data/xy_%d.txt" % part)
i = 0
we = []
while ("true"):
string = data.readline()
tab = string.split()
if (len(tab) != 0):
we.append([float(tab[0]), float(tab[1])])
i += 1
part = int(input("Tile number: "))
while (not Path("demGen_data/xy_%d.txt" % part).exists()):
part = int(input("'xy_%d.txt' doesn't exist - re-enter the tile number: " % part))
data = open("demGen_data/xy_%d.txt" % part)
i = 0
we = []
while ("true"):
string = data.readline()
tab = string.split()
if (len(tab) != 0):
we.append([float(tab[0]), float(tab[1])])
i += 1
print("Coordinates were read from 'xy_%d.txt'" % part)
l = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(i)))
if (math.pow(l, 2) != i):
print("Incorrect count of input data! Is: %d. Should be: %d. Check the 'xy_%d.txt' file ontent and correct the mistakes." % (i, math.pow(l, 2), part))
del we
print("Coordinates were read from 'xy_%d.txt'" % part)
l = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(i)))
if (math.pow(l, 2) != i):
print("Incorrect count of input data! Is: %d. Should be: %d. Check the 'xy_%d.txt' file ontent and correct the mistakes." % (i, math.pow(l, 2), part))
del we
print("Tile size: (%d x %d) px" % ((l, l)))
if (country == "CZ"):
print("Downloading data from ''...")
with Pool(64) as p:
wy = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(getHeightCZ, we), total=len(we)))
output = open("demGen_data/h_%d.txt" % part, "w")
for j in range(len(wy)):
output.write(str(wy[j]) + "\n") # dane uporządkowane
del we, wy
elif (country == "PL"):
print("Generating request URLs...")
print("Tile size: (%d x %d) px" % ((l, l)))
hstr = []
wy = []

print("Generating query URLs...")
rqs = []
jmax = int(math.ceil(len(we) / 200.0))
if country == 'CZ':
jm = 37.0
jm = 200.0
jmax = int(math.ceil(len(we) / jm))
with tqdm.tqdm(total=jmax) as pbar:
for j in range(jmax):
url = ''
for k in range(200 * j, 200 * (j + 1)):
if country == 'CZ':
url = ''
elif country == 'PL':
url = ''
for k in range(int(jm) * j, int(jm) * (j + 1)):
if (k >= len(we)):
url += str(we[k][1]) + '%20' + str(we[k][0]) + ','
if country == 'CZ':
url += '%5B' + str(-we[k][0]) + '%2C' + str(-we[k][1]) + '%5D'
if k < jm * (j + 1) - 1:
url += '%2C'
elif country == 'PL':
url += str(we[k][1]) + '%20' + str(we[k][0]) + ','
if country == 'CZ':
url += '%5D%2CspatialReference%3A%7Bwkid%3A5514%7D%7D&geometryType=esriGeometryMultipoint&sampleDistance=&sampleCount=&mosaicRule=&pixelSize=&returnFirstValueOnly=false&f=pjson'
print("Downloading data from ''...")
wy = []
with Pool(64) as p:
hstr = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(getHeightPL, rqs), total=len(rqs)))
rqlist = open('demGen_data/requestsList.txt', 'w')
for j in range(len(rqs)):
rqlist.write(rqs[j] + '\n')

# Elevation data downloading
if (country == "CZ"):
print("Downloading data from ''...\nThis operation may take some time.")
with Pool(64) as p:
hstr = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(getHeightCZ, rqs), total=len(rqs)))
elif (country == "PL"):
print("Downloading data from ''...\nThis operation may take some time.")
with Pool(64) as p:
hstr = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(openUrl, rqs), total=len(rqs))) # openUrl instead of getHeightPL

for j in range(len(hstr)):
h2str = hstr[j].split(',')
if len(h2str) < jm and j != len(hstr) - 1:
print('Insufficient number of points – see query #%d' % (j + 1))
for k in range(len(h2str)):
if k < 200:
if k < jm:
output = open("demGen_data/h_%d.txt" % part, "w")
for j in range(len(wy)):
output.write(str(wy[j]) + "\n") # dane uporządkowane
del we, wy, hstr
print("Elevation data downloaded and saved in 'h_%d.txt'." % part)
print("Elevation data downloaded and saved in 'h_%d.txt'." % part)
print("This script has no support for Python %s.%s.%s. Run it in the Python 3.5 - 3.7 environment." % (ver[0], ver[1], ver[2]))
w = input("Press ENTER to close...")

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