If you're interested in this bot, you should probably first check out the Scryfall bot. It does mostly the same thing, better : https://scryfall.com/bots .
Download Python 3 on https://www.python.org/downloads/ (On Windows, don't forget to check "Add Python to PATH")
The following instructions have to be executed in command line (On Windows, you can use an emulator such as Cmder (http://cmder.net/))
Download discord.py (https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) with :
pip install -U discord.py
Download mtgsdk for python (https://github.com/MagicTheGathering/mtg-sdk-python) with :
pip install mtgsdk
Create a Discord account for your Bot and add him to your server and the right channels on the server
Open DiscordClient.py with your favorite IDE/text editor and fill the fields email and password lines 4 and 5 (replace "myemail" and "mypassword" by the IDs of your bot, keep the quotes)
Run DiscordClient.py and let it run in the background
Use [cardname] to get the card whose name is “cardname” (or the first 20 cards in alphabetical order whose names contain “cardname” if it does not exist)