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HollyNetes project


HollyNetes is a project we made to show our skills in Kubernetes and Terraform.

The project is a fork of HollyFilms, a project i have created to provide a simple way to manage the movies and process large video files.


This project do not implement all the features of HollyFilms.


Mandatory layer

  • The app you're deploying MUST be dockerized (i.e. available as a container image). It's a k8s requirement.
  • The container image MUST be available on the internet in a docker-compatible image registry. It COULD be in a public image registry (i.e. without authentication)
  • The app you're deploying MUST use a database of some sort (postgresql, mysql, mongo, etc.)
  • The database MUST be deployed either inside kubernetes OR as a managed scaleway service provisionned through terraform.
  • The kubernetes cluster MUST be provisioned on scaleway using terraform
  • The app MUST be deployed as a Pod using terraform via the kubernetes provider
  • The cluster and the app provisioning code must be organized in dedicated terraform modules, and used from the main program
  • The terraform state of your main program MUST be stored in a remote (i.e. non-local) backend. Stating it more explicitly, use backend "s3" {}
  • It MUST be possible to deploy your app using only 3 commands,
    • One to build and push the docker container (docker build --push [...])
    • One to provision the state bucket using tf.
    • A last one to provision the terraform cluster and all the kubernetes resources required to deploy your app in the cluster. There MUST be no other manual actions required. It means there must be 2 terraform programs.
  • Your app MUST be available publicly on the Internet (you can use a LoadBalancer, or a NodePort. The latter is cheaper)

Bonus layer

  • The app is deployed as a Deployment (and not a single Pod), using terraform via the kubernetes provider. (1)
  • The app you're deploying is also using an alternate datastore, like an object storage (example: an S3 compatible store), or Redis, in addition to the main datastore (2)
  • The app you're deploying has an additional container running a different, but related process, for example a background job processor. (1)
  • The app has automated scaling based on CPU usage of the container (HorizontalPodAutoscaling). (1.5)
  • The app container image is stored in a private container registry with the credentials injected as a kubernetes secret via terraform (1.5)
  • The private container registry is also created via terraform (1)
  • Your app is exposed to the internet through a kubernetes ingress controller (like traefik, the nginx ingress controller, etc.) (2)
  • The app is exposed through https, using the ingress controller of the previous point and tls certificate managed using the cert-manager tool (+3)
  • Your app is deployed through a custom (i.e. that you wrote yourselves) helm chart. The helm chart is installed via terraform (+3)
  • Your kubernetes cluster has centralized logging using loki and grafana, aka the loki-stack. Helm is recommended here :) (+3).
  • You have a CI/CD pipeline automating the build and deployment of your app when new commits are pushed on a certain branch of your app code repository (+4)

Getting Started


Install dependencies:

pnpm install -g
pnpm install

Start NestJS API

pnpm run start:back

Start Angular frontend

pnpm run start:front


The frontend is an Angular application with tailwindCSS.


The REST API is a NestJS application using my own nestjs-env-config library.
NPM Package nestjs-env-config.

Terraform & Kubernetes

The Kubernetes cluster is deployed using Terraform using scaleway provider.

You need to put the nesseray variable in a file named terraform.tfvars located in the packages/infrastructure directory.

To init the projet, you need to run the init backend. This will create the tfstate file in the scaleway bucket and create the namespace necessary to push/pull images from the scaleway registry.

cd init_backend
terraform init -var-file="../terraform.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="../terraform.tfvars"

To deploy the cluster, you need to run the main terraform project.

cd project
terraform init -var-file="../terraform.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="../terraform.tfvars"


The CI/CD is made using Github Actions.


The frontend is built using Github Actions and pushed to the scaleway registry.


The API is built using Github Actions and pushed to the scaleway registry.


Terraform is planned & checked & validated in a pull request on main. Terraform is planned & checked & validated & applied in a push to main.

HollyFilms Contributors

  • Loïc Vanden Bossche

HollyNetes Contributors

  • Loïc Vanden Bossche
  • Enzo Soares
  • Turbiez Denis


Fork of hollyfilms for IaC project







No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 75.0%
  • HTML 18.5%
  • HCL 4.2%
  • JavaScript 0.9%
  • Handlebars 0.7%
  • SCSS 0.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%