A web-based scientific calculator that provides basic arithmetic operations, scientific functions, memory functions, and task history. It supports user input via both the on-screen interface and the keyboard. Tasks are stored using localStorage
for persistence.
Basic Arithmetic Operations:
- Addition (+)
- Subtraction (-)
- Multiplication (*)
- Division (/)
Scientific Functions:
- Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan
- Logarithmic functions: log (base 10)
- Exponentiation
- Conversion between degrees and radians
- Fractions and percentages
Memory Functions:
- Store and recall values
Calculation History:
- Tracks and displays previous calculations
Keyboard Support:
- Supports keyboard input for all functions
- HTML: Structure and layout of the calculator.
- CSS: Styling the app with a modern calculator aesthetic.
- JavaScript: Core functionality for calculations, memory, and history.
- localStorage: Stores calculation history for persistence.