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⚠️ Project in progress... ⚠️

For client API key:
ptero.client - its half completed. not all functions available

For Application key:
ptero.users - completed
ptero.nodes- completed
ptero.wings - completed
ptero.locations - completed
ptero.servers - in development...
ptero.nests - in development...

🐦 Wrapdactyl

Do you know that moment when your scripts are very messy and full of api calls to your Pterodactyl panel? Well this is not a problem anymore because wrapdactyl is here. Wrapdactyl is a Pterodactyl wrapper which allows you to make api calls by running simple functions. More info about options here.

📥 Installation:

npm install wrapdactyl

🔧 How to Properly Use:

Wrapdactyl is a class that requires some parameters in such as panel url client api key and application api key. It could also be customised by setting some options in order to add or remove functions to make your code maximum optimised.

const wrapdactyl = require('wrapdactyl');

const ptero = new wrapdactyl({
    url: '',    // Panel url
    client: 'ptlc_...',                 // Client api key
    application: 'ptla_...',            // Application api key
    options: {                      // Options to optimise the performance
        cache: true,                // Enable or disable cache
        events: true,               // Enable of disable events
        checkInterval: 5000,        // An interval which checks the status of tokens and panel
        updateCacheInterval: 30000  // An interval which updates cache in case you have it enabled

Even if you did the configuration the pterowrapper is not ready to use yet because it has to go trough a check which can be made by calling the async function check() which returns a promise with the status and ping of the pterodactyl panel and the status of the configured api keys.

ptero.check().then(data => {
    console.log('pterodactyl wrapper is ready');

The option checkInterval offers you the opotunity to check the configuration in an interval of time
Now the wrapper is ready to use! have fun with it. 👍

💻 How Cache Works:

⚠️Warning: This function spams your panel api
Cache is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. In this case cache can be used only if the option cache is enabled (cache: true). Cache can be stored at the begging of the code by running the updateCache() async function which returns boolean that tells if the cache process is complete or not.

ptero.updateCache().then(() => {
    console.log('cache has been updated')
    // Now you have access to
    ptero.users.cache.get('user id');
    ptero.servers.cache.get('server id');

Cache isnt always up to date since you can make modifications manually to the servers and/or users, so thats why there is an option called updateCacheInterval which can be set in miliseconds to update the cache in an interval of time.

📅 How Events Work:

Events are actions or occurrences that happen in the system you are programming, which the system tells you about so your code can react to them. To listen to an wrapdactyl event you will have enable events in options and run the function on() which will take a string as first value, being the event name and a callback.

ptero.on('Event Name', (data) => console.log(data));
Event Name Callback input Description
checkUpdate 1 value This event runs only when checkInterval is configured. It runs the callback when the interval makes a check and returns the status and ping of the panel aswell and the api keys status
cacheUpdate null This events runs only when updateCacheInterval is configured, and it runs when the interval of time set updates the cache.


ptero.on('checkUpdate', (data) => {
    console.log('A check has been made!')

🐛 Catching Errors:

Every function can throw errors in case of bad configuration or the wrapper not being ready. After the async function is ran you can check if the funtion is complete or had an error by validating the variable "error"

Here is an example how i would catch errors using this wrapper:

// Example...
.then(data => {
        console.log(`Panel responded with status ${data.status} and error message is:\n ${ => x.detail).join('\n')}`)
        example of panel error: 
            error: true,
            panelError: true,
            status: 404,
            message: [
                code: 'NotFoundHttpException',
                status: '404',
                detail: 'The requested resource could not be found on the server.'
    else if(data.error) {
        console.log(`Panel is probably offline`)
        Example of error:
            error: true,
            message: AxiosError: connect ECONNREFUSED
            at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1195:16) {
.catch(err => {
    // Wrapdactyl errors could be:
    //   - Wrapdactyl not ready
    //   - Invalid configuration/not all required parameters


    Example or wrapdactyl error
    "Wrapdactyl - id of the node must be present"

📕 Client Functions:

Show permissions:
Retries all available permissions


Account details:
Retrieves information about the account


Update email:
Updates the password of the account

  • Value 1 - Required - the new email which you want to change into
  • Value 2 - Required - password of the account
ptero.client.account.updateEmail('', 'password')

Update password:
Updates the email address of the account

  • Value 1 - Required - The password of the account
  • Value 2 - Required - The new password which you want to change into
ptero.client.account.updatePassword('password', 'newpassword')

Two-Factor Authentication details:
Generates a TOTP QR code image to allow the setup of 2FA


Enable Two-Factor Authentication:
Enables TOTP 2FA using the QR code generated by the function above

  • Value 1 - Required - The password of the account
  • Value 2 - Required - The 2fa code generated by Authenticator app
ptero.client.account.twofa.enable('password', '2fa code')

Disable Two-Factor Authentication:
Disables TOTP 2FA on the account

  • Value 1 - Required - Password of the account

Disable Two-Factor Authentication:
Disables TOTP 2FA on the account

  • Value 1 - Required - Password of the account

List API keys:
Retries a list of API keys


Create API key:
Generates a new API key

  • Value 1 - Required - Name of the api key you want to generate
  • Value 2 - Nullable - The white list ips
ptero.client.account.apikeys.create('name', [''])

Delete API key:
Deletes the specified API key

  • Value 1 - Required - The api key identifier

Server List:
List all your servers


Server details:
Retrieves information about the specified server

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
  • Value 2 - Nullable - Options Object
    • egg - Information about the egg the server uses
    • subusers - List of subusers on the server
ptero.client.servers.fetch('server id', { egg: true, subusers: true });

Server Console details:
Generates credentials to establish a websocket

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
ptero.client.servers.consoleDetails('server id')

Server websocket:
Connect to the server websocket

  • Value 1 - Required - Object - Details to establish the websocket
    These can be requested from ptero.client.servers.consoleDetails
    • Origin - Required - The panel URL
    • Token - Required - The token for authentication
    • Socket - Required - The actual websocket destination
let websocket_details = await ptero.client.servers.consoleDetails("server id");
let server = new ptero.client.servers.websocket(websocket_details);

// What you can listen to
server.on('connected', async () => {

    // What you can send to the server
    server.power('start'); // start / restart / stop / kill
    // Close the websocket
server.on('status', (status) => console.log(status));
server.on('stats', (stats) => console.log(stats));
server.on('console', (message) => console.log(message));
server.on('deamonError', (message) => console.log(message));

server.on('expiring', (auth) => {
    console.log('Token is about to expire');
    // send a new token to keep the connection alive
    // A new token can be requested by running ptero.client.servers.consoleDetails
    auth("new token");
server.on('expired', () => console.log('Token had expired'));
server.on('disconnected', () => console.log('server disconnected'));

// Connect to the server
server.connect().catch(err => console.log(err));

The function server.connect() is an async function that returns "true" if connected and throws an error in case it couldnt connect to the websocket. It is preferable to put this function at the bottom, before you listen to events if you are going to await the function otherwise it wont triger the event "connected".
Here is an example how await connect function could help:

server.on('connected', () => console.log('Server connected'))

await server.connect();

Server Resource usage:
Retrieves resource utilization of the specified server

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
ptero.client.servers.resources('server id')

Send command to the server:
Sends a command to the server. The server must be online to send a command to it.

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
  • Value 2 - Required - Command string
ptero.client.servers.sendCommand('server id', 'command')

Change server power state:
Sends a power signal to the server

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
  • Value 2 - Required - Can be only: start, restart, stop, kill
ptero.client.servers.power('server id', 'start')

⏩ Skipped a lot of functions for the future versions.

Rename server:
Renames the server

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
  • Value 2 - Required - New Name of the server
ptero.client.servers.rename('server id', 'name')

Reinstall server:
Reinstalls the server

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
ptero.client.servers.reinstall('server id')

📙 Application Functions:

List users:
Retrieves all users

  • Value 1 - nullAble - Options object
    • servers - List of servers the user has access to
ptero.users.fetchAll({servers: true})

User details:
Retrieves the specified user

  • Value 1 - Required - Number or string id of the user
  • Value 2 - nullAble - Options Object
    • servers - List of servers the user has access to
ptero.users.fetch(1, {servers: true})

Create user:
Creates a new user

  • Value 1 - Required - Configuration
    • username - Required - string
    • email - Required - string
    • first_name - Required - string
    • last_name - Required - string
    • password - nullable - string
    • root_admin - nullable - boolean
    • language - nullable - string
    username: 'username',
    email: '',
    first_name: 'firstname',
    last_name: 'lastname',
    password: 'your_password',
    root_admin: false

Update user:
Updates the user information

  • Value 1 - Required - The id of the user
  • Value 2 - Required - Options Object
    • username - Required - string
    • email - Required - string
    • first_name - Required - string
    • last_name - Required - string
    • password - nullable - string
    • root_admin - nullable - boolean
    • language - nullable - string
ptero.users.update(2, {
    username: 'newusername',
    email: '',
    first_name: 'firstname',
    last_name: 'lastname',
    password: 'newPassword'

Delete user:
Deletes the specified user

  • Value 1 - Required - The id of the user you want to delte

List nodes:
Retrieves a list of all nodes

  • Value 1 - nullable - Options Object
    • allocations - List of allocations added to the node
    • location - Information about the location the node is assigned to
    • servers - List of servers on the node
    allocations: true, 
    location: true,
    servers: true

Node details:
Retrieves the specified node

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id
  • Value 2 - nullable - Options Object
    • allocations - List of allocations added to the node
    • location - Information about the location the node is assigned to
    • servers - List of servers on the node
ptero.nodes.fetch(1, {
    allocations: true, 
    location: true,
    servers: true

Node configuration:
Displays the Wings configuration

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id

Create node:
Creates a new node

  • Value 1 - Required - Configuration
    • public - Nullable - Boolean
    • name - Required - String
    • description - Nullable - String
    • location_id - Required - Number
    • fqdn - Required - String
    • scheme - Required - String (http/https)
    • behind_proxy - Nullable - Boolean
    • maintenance_mode - Nullable - Boolean
    • memory - Required - Number
    • memory_overallocate - Required - Number
    • disk - Required - Number
    • disk_overallocate - Required - Number
    • upload_size - Nullable - Number
    • daemon_listen - Required - Number
    • deamon_sftp - Required - Number
    name: "New Node",
    location_id: 1,
    fqdn: "",
    scheme: "https",
    memory: 10240,
    memory_overallocate: 0,
    disk: 50000,
    disk_overallocate: 0,
    upload_size: 100,
    daemon_sftp: 2022,
    daemon_listen: 8080

Update node:

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id
  • Value 2 - Required - Configuration
    • public - Nullable - Boolean
    • name - Required - String
    • description - Nullable - String
    • location_id - Required - Number
    • fqdn - Required - String
    • scheme - Required - String (http/https)
    • behind_proxy - Nullable - Boolean
    • maintenance_mode - Nullable - Boolean
    • memory - Required - Number
    • memory_overallocate - Required - Number
    • disk - Required - Number
    • disk_overallocate - Required - Number
    • upload_size - Nullable - Number
    • daemon_listen - Required - Number
    • deamon_sftp - Required - Number
ptero.nodes.update(1, {
    name: "Updated Node",
    location_id: 1,
    fqdn: "",
    scheme: "https",
    memory: 10240,
    memory_overallocate: 0,
    disk: 50000,
    disk_overallocate: 0,
    upload_size: 100,
    daemon_sftp: 2022,
    daemon_listen: 8080

Delete node:
Deletes the specified node

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id

Wings details:
Check wings status

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id

⚠️ Warning: This is a beta function, it may have bugs, be slow or not work


List allocations:
Lists allocations added to the node

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id
  • Value 2 - Nullable - Options Object
    • node - Information about the node the allocation belongs to
    • server - Information about the server the allocation belongs to
ptero.nodes.allocations.fetchAll(1, {node: true, server: true})

Create allocation:
Adds an allocation to the node

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id
  • Value 2 - Required - Configuration object
    • ip - Required - String - IP address for the allocations
    • ports - Required - Array with strings - Object containing the ports to add
ptero.nodes.allocations.create(1, {
    ip: "",
    ports: [

Delete allocation:
Deletes the specified allocation

  • Value 1 - Required - Node id
  • Value 2 - Required - Allocation id
ptero.nodes.allocations.delete(1, 1)

List locations:
Retrieves all locations

  • Value 1 - Nullable - Options object
    • nodes - List of nodes assigned to the location
    • servers - List of servers in the location
    nodes: true,
    servers: true

Location details
Retrieves the specified location

  • Value 1 - Required - Location id
  • Value 2 - Nullable - Options object
    • nodes - List of nodes assigned to the location
    • servers - List of servers in the location
ptero.locations.fetch(1, {
    nodes: true,
    servers: true

Create location:
Creates a new location

  • Value 1 - Required - configuration object
    • short - Required - String - Location name
    • long - Nullable - String - Location description
    short: 'UK location'
    long: 'nodes that are located in uk'

Update location:
Updates the specified location

  • Value 1 - Required - Location id
  • Value 1 - Required - configuration object
    • short - Required - String - Location name
    • long - Nullable - String - Location description
ptero.locations.update(1, {
    short: 'UK'
    long: 'datacenters in uk'

Delete location:
Updates the specified location

  • Value 1 - Required - location id

List servers:
Retrieves all servers


Server details:
Retrieves the specified servervv

  • Value 1 - Required - server id
  • Value 2 - Nullable - Options object
    • allocation - List of allocations assigned to the server
    • user - Information about the server owner
    • subusers - List of users added to the server
    • pack - Information about the server pack
    • nest - Information about the server's egg nest
    • egg - Information about the server's egg
    • variables - List of server variables
    • location - Information about server's node location
    • node - Information about the server's node
    • databases - List of databases on the server
ptero.servers.fetch(1, {
    allocation: true,
    user: true,
    subusers: true,
    pack: true,
    nest: true,
    egg: true,
    variables: true, 
    location: true,
    node: true,
    databases: true

Update Server details:
Updates the server details

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
  • Value 2 - Required - configuration object
    • name - required - string - Name for the server
    • user - required - number - ID of the user which the server belongs to
    • external_id - Nullable - string - External ID of the server
    • description - Nullable - string - Description of the server
ptero.serves.update(1, {
    name: "Public Minecraft",
    user: 1,
    external_id: "customid1",
    description: "a minecraft server for everyone"

Update server build:
Updates the server build information

  • Value 1 - Required - Server id
  • Value 2 - Required - configuration object
    • allocation - required - number - ID of primary allocation
    • memory - required - number - The maximum amount of memory allowed for this container/server. Setting this to 0 will allow unlimited memory in a container.
    • swap - required - number - Setting this to 0 will disable swap space on this server. Setting to -1 will allow unlimited swap.
    • io - required - number - IO performance of this server relative to other running containers
    • cpu - required - number - Each physical core on the system is considered to be 100%. Setting this value to 0 will allow a server to use CPU time without restrictions.
    • disk - required - number - This server will not be allowed to boot if it is using more than this amount of space. If a server goes over this limit while running it will be safely stopped and locked until enough space is available. Set to 0 to allow unlimited disk usage.
    • threads - Nullable - number - Enter the specific CPU cores that this process can run on, or leave blank to allow all cores. This can be a single number, or a comma seperated list. Example: 0, 0-1,3, or 0,1,3,4.
    • feature_limits - required - configuration object
      • databases - Present - number - The total number of databases a user is allowed to create for this server.
      • backups - Present - number - The total number of allocations a user is allowed to create for this server.
      • allocations - nullable - number - The total number of allocations a user is allowed to create for this server.
ptero.servers.updateBuild(1, {
    "allocation": 1,
    "cpu": 0,
    "memory": 1024,
    "disk": 1024,
    "swap": -1,
    "io": 500,
    "threads": null,
    "feature_limits": {
        "databases": 5,
        "allocations": 5,
        "backups": 2

Update server startup:
Updates the server startup information

  • Value 1 - required - Server id
  • Value 2 - required - configuration object
    • startup - required - string - Edit your server's startup command here.
    • environment - present - object - Environment variables that the egg requires/supports
    • egg - required - string - ID of the egg to use
    • image - required - string - The Docker image to use for this server
    • skip_scripts - present - boolean - If enabled, if the Egg has an install script, it will NOT be ran during install.
  "startup": "java -Xms128M -Xmx{{SERVER_MEMORY}}M -jar {{SERVER_JARFILE}}",
  "environment": {
    "SERVER_JARFILE": "server.jar",
    "VANILLA_VERSION": "latest"
  "egg": 5,
  "image": "",
  "skip_scripts": false

⚠️ To-Do List

✅ - completed
⏩ - skipped for later


⚙️ Options



This project is no longer active nor maintained. It has been publicly archived.








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