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Official Code: Estimating Model Uncertainty of Neural Networks in Sparse Information Form, ICML2020.


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Laplace Approximation for Bayesian Deep Learning

Curvature Library

Curvature Library is the official code base for the following papers:

Estimating Model Uncertainty of Neural Networks in Sparse Information Form Jongseok Lee, Matthias Humt, Jianxiang Feng, Rudolph Triebel, ICML 2020. (paper)

Bayesian Optimization Meets Laplace Approximation for Robotic Introspection Matthias Humt, Jongseok Lee, Rudolph Triebel, IROS 2020 Workshop. (paper)

Learning Multiplicative Interactions with Bayesian Neural Networks for Visual-Inertial Odometry Kashmira Shinde, Jongseok Lee, Matthias Humt, Aydin Sezgin, Rudolph Triebel, ICML 2020 Workshop (paper)


This repository contains PyTorch implementations of several Laplace approximation methods (LA) [1]. It is similar to this TensorFlow implementation which approximates the curvature of neural networks, except that our main purpose is approximate Bayesian inference instead of second-order optimization.

The following approximations to the Fisher information matrix (IM) are supported with different fidelty-complexity trade-offs:

  1. Diagonal (Diagonal) [7]
  2. Kronecker Factored Approximate Curvature (KFAC) [2, 3, 6]
  3. Eigenvalue corrected KFAC (EFB) [4]
  4. Sparse Information Form (INF)

The aim is to make LA easy to use while LA in itself is a practical approach, because trained networks can be used without any modification. Our implementation supports this plug-in-and-play principle, i.e. you can make already pretrained network Bayesian, and obtain calibrated uncertainty in deep neural network's predictions! Our library also features a Bayesian Optimization method for easier tuning of hyperparameters.

An in-depth discussion of the theoretical background is provided in an accompanying blog post.


To install the module, clone or download the repository and run:

$ pip install .

To install the optional dependencies for plotting (plot), evaluation (eval), hyperparameter optimization (hyper) or data loading (data) run:

$ pip install .[extra]

where extra is the name of the optional depency (in brackets). To install multiple optional dependencies at once run e.g.:

$ pip install ".[plot, data, eval]"

Alternatively, you can install the following dependencies manually:

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • torch
  • torchvision
  • tqdm
  • psutil
  • tabulate
$ pip/conda install numpy scipy torchvision tqdm psutil
$ pip install torch/conda install pytorch

To generate figures, install the following additional dependencies:

  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • statsmodels
  • colorcet
$ pip/conda install matplotlib seaborn statsmodels colorcet

Finally, to run the ImageNet scripts or use the datasets module, install scikit-learn and for the hyperparameter optimization script, install scikit-optimize.

$ pip/conda install scikit-learn
$ pip install scikit-optimize/conda install scikit-optimize -c conda-forge

Get Started

A 60-seconds blitz to Laplace approximation (which you can also find here). For a more detailed example please have a look at the Jupyter notebook.

# Standard imports
import torch
import torchvision
import tqdm

# From the repository
from curvature.curvatures import KFAC
from curvature.lenet5 import lenet5

# Change this to 'cuda' if you have a working GPU.
device = 'cpu'

# We will use the provided LeNet-5 variant pre-trained on MNIST.
model = lenet5(pretrained='mnist', device=device).to(device)

# Standard PyTorch dataset location
torch_data = "~/.torch/datasets"
mnist = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root=torch_data,
train_data =, batch_size=100, shuffle=True)

# Decide which loss criterion and src approximation to use.
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device)
kfac = KFAC(model)

# Standard PyTorch training loop:
for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(train_data):
    logits = model(

    # We compute the 'true' Fisher information matrix (FIM),
    # by taking the expectation over the model distribution.
    # To obtain the empirical FIM, just use the labels from
    # the data distribution directly.
    dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
    sampled_labels = dist.sample()

    loss = criterion(logits, sampled_labels)

    # We call 'estimator.update' here instead of 'optimizer.step'.

# Invert the src information to perform Bayesian inference.
# 'Add' and 'multiply' are the two regularization hyperparameters of Laplace approximation.
# Please see the tutorial notebook for for in-depth examples and explanations.
kfac.invert(add=0.5, multiply=1)

Reproducing the ImageNet results

To reproduce the ImageNet results, first download the ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 and the out-of-domain data. This is required to compute the IM approximations and in- and out-of-domain evaluations but not for network training, as we work with the pre-trained networks from the torchvision package. All scripts use the same standard arguments as well as some script specific arguments.

$ python curvature/scripts/ \
        --torch_dir=<TORCH> \
        --data_dir=<DATA_DIR> \
        --results_dir=<RESULTS> \
        --model=<MODEL> \
        --data=<DATA> \
        --estimator=<ESTIMATOR> \
        --batch_size=<BATCH> \

Standard arguments

  • TORCH The location where torch datasets and torchvision model checkpoints are stored. Defaults to ~/.torch.
  • DATA_DIR The parent directory of the ImageNet and out-of-domain data. The structure of this directory should look as follows:
|   +-- datasets/
    |   +-- imagenet/
        |   +-- data/
            |   +-- train/
                |   +-- n01440764/
                |   +-- n01443537/
                |   +-- ...
            |   +-- val/
                |   +-- n01440764/
                |   +-- n01443537/
                |   +-- ...
    |   +-- not_imagenet/
        |   +-- data/
            |   +-- train/
                |   +-- img1.jpg
                |   +-- img2.jpg
                |   +-- ...
  • RESULTS The location where results should be stored.
  • MODEL The name of a pre-trained torchvision model (e.g. densenet121 or resnet50).
  • DATA The dataset to use. Defaults to imagenet.
  • ESTIMATOR Which IM estimator to use. One of diag, kfac, efb or inf. Defaults to kfac.
  • BATCH The batch size to use. Defaults to 32.
  • SAMPLES 1. How many weight posterior samples to draw when evaluating. 2. How many samples to draw from the models output distribution when approximating the IM. Defaults to 30 and 10 respectively.

Additional arguments

  • --norm First hyperparameter of Laplace approximation (tau). This times the identity matrix is added to the IM.
  • --scale Second hyperparameter of Laplace approximation (N). The IM is scaled by this term.
  • --device One of cpu or gpu.
  • --epochs Number of iterations over the entire dataset.
  • --optimizer Which optimizer to use when searching for hyperparemeters. One of tree (random forest), gp (gaussian process), random (random search, default) or grid (grid search).
  • --rank The rank of the INF approximation. Defaults to 100.
  • --verbose Get a more verbose printout.
  • --plot Plots results at the end of an evaluation.
  • --stats Computes running statistics during evaluation.
  • --calibration Make a calibration comparison visualization.
  • --ood Make a out-of-domain comparison visualization.

For a complete list of all arguments and their meaning call one of the scripts including --help.

$ python curvature/scripts/ --help


This is a short example of a complete computation cycle for DenseNet 121 and the KFAC estimator. Keep in mind that many arguments have sensible default values, so we do not need to call all of them explicitly. This is also true for --norm and --scale, which are set to the best value found by the hyperparameter optimization automatically. --torch_dir, --data_dir, --results_dir and --model always have to be given though.

$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --estimator kfac --samples 1 --verbose
$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --estimator kfac --batch_size 128 --plot
$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --estimator kfac --batch_size 128 --plot

Once this cycle has been completed for several architectures or estimators, they can be compared using the script.

$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --calibration
$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --ood

To use the INF IM approximation, first compute EFB (which also computes DIAG with no additional computational overhead).

$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --estimator efb --samples 10 --verbose
$ python curvature/scripts/ --model densenet121 --estimator inf --rank 100


These are the best hyperparamters for each model and estimator found by evaluating 100 random pairs. Because the IM is typically scaled by the size of the dataset, the scale parameter is multiplied by this number. To achieve this, set the --pre_scale argument to 1281166 when running the ImageNet scripts.

Model DIAG Norm DIAG Scale KFAC Norm KFAC Scale EFB Norm EFB Scale INF Norm INF Scale
ResNet18 71 165 1 18916 1 100000 254 206
ResNet50 16 7387 69 25771 11 75113871 145307 60
ResNet152 14 797219512 2765 10162 100000 1 100000 1
DenseNet121 72992 98 2312 12791 4 814681241 1105 146
DenseNet161 19 76911 260 17780 19 708281251 100000 1


A short description of all the modules and scripts in the curvature directory.

Main source

  • Implements diagonal, KFAC, EFB and INF FiM approximations as well as inversion and sampling.

ImageNet experiments

  • Unified framework to load standard benchmark datasets.
  • Various Fisher information matrix approximations.
  • hyper_factors Hyperparameter optimization, including grid and random search as well as Bayesian optimization.
  • Evaluates weight posterior approximations for a chosen model on the ImageNet validation set.
  • Reliability, entropy, confidence and eigenvalue histograms, inv. ECDF vs. predictive entropy etc. plots.
  • Unified visualization of results obtained by running


  • Helper functions.
  • Implementation of a LeNet-5 variant for testing.
  • Code featured in the Get Started section.


If you find this library useful, please cite us in the following ways:

title={Estimating Model Uncertainty of Neural Networks in Sparse Information Form},
author={Lee, Jongseok and Humt, Matthias and Feng, Jianxiang and Triebel, Rudolph},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
organization={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}

  title={Bayesian Optimization Meets Laplace Approximation for Robotic Introspection},
  author={Humt, Matthias and Lee, Jongseok and Triebel, Rudolph},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.16141},

  title={Learning Multiplicative Interactions with Bayesian Neural Networks for Visual-Inertial Odometry},
  author={Shinde, Kashmira and Lee, Jongseok and Humt, Matthias and Sezgin, Aydin and Triebel, Rudolph},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07630},


[1]MacKay, D. J. (1992). A practical Bayesian framework for backpropagation networks. Neural computation, 4(3), 448-472.
[2]Martens, J., & Grosse, R. (2015, June). Optimizing neural networks with kronecker-factored approximate curvature. In International conference on machine learning (pp. 2408-2417).
[3]Grosse, R., & Martens, J. (2016, June). A kronecker-factored approximate fisher matrix for convolution layers. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 573-582).
[4]Ritter, H., Botev, A., & Barber, D. (2018, January). A scalable laplace approximation for neural networks. In 6th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2018-Conference Track Proceedings (Vol. 6). International Conference on Representation Learning.
[5]George, T., Laurent, C., Bouthillier, X., Ballas, N., & Vincent, P. (2018). Fast approximate natural gradient descent in a kronecker factored eigenbasis. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 9550-9560).
[6]Botev, A., Ritter, H., & Barber, D. (2017, August). Practical gauss-newton optimisation for deep learning. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning-Volume 70 (pp. 557-565). JMLR. org.
[7]Becker, S & Lecun, Y. (1988). Improving the convergence of back-propagation learning with second-order methods. In D. Touretzky, G. Hinton, & T. Sejnowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School, San Mateo (pp. 29-37). Morgan Kaufmann.