Hello and welcome if your looking a lanacache and need to run it on Ubuntu Server 18.04 then your in the right place. This has been taken from https://github.com/nexusofdoom/lancache-installer and uses some of the files from https://github.com/bntjah/lancache and tweaked to work with ubuntu.
I will try and keep this up to date as much as possible. If you want the Debian version of this installer the goto https://github.com/nexusofdoom/lancache-installer
Hats off too the Lads for there hard work.
#lancache-installer (https://github.com/nexusofdoom/lancache-installer) But Tweaked
#So go and get Ubuntu Server then install Ubuntu 18.04 X64
#Download url for Ubuntu 18.04 http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ or 18.04.1 http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/
#You will need 20 avaliable IP's free in a row 192.168.x.x to be used by the lancache
#Once installed just do the below and make ya self sudo user.
sudo -i
(enter password when asked)
#Now go to putty SSH in then copy and past the rest. (Besmart)
#Clone the git repo
git clone -b master https://github.com/DPCools/LancacheUbuntu18.04.git
#Move to the directoy
cd LancacheUbuntu18.04
#Make sh files executable
chmod +x *.sh
#Run the following in the order below looking out for errors.
(will need a reboot after this as it makes your nic eth0 from what ever it is after install)
#And thats it just set your client PC DNS to this server then off you go. #So now if if some one downloads a Steam or MS game once it will never need to download again untill the cache times out.
#Happy fragging :)