- 05/23/2018 : Adding Autostandby Mode to turn on/off lights automaticly (based on volume level)
- 05/21/2018 : Adding Random Mode on pattern/Vu sequence.
- 04/2018 : Adding more Aux1 patterns
An evolved LED Mod for your sound machine based on Arduino.
- Arduino Uno based
- Addressable Led strips (Left/Right channels & a custom static one)
- Stereo sound responsive from lineout
- Works on any sources
- A switch allow to turn lights on/off and change pattern.
- Customisable effects
- Manual, Autochange, Random patterns
- Can Manage : 2 "Stereo" Led Strips et 2 additionals Strips (Aux1 for a pattern, Aux2 for the "mode" color)
- GhettoLED Rev1.0 on a JVC M70 :
- GhettoLED Rev1.2 on a National RS-4150 :
Every boombox equiped with a lineout can be upgraded. The challenge is about led integration. (speakers/grid shape) but they can be placed everywhere (radio scale, tape...)
- Some little ground noise due to the Switched-mode power supply (Filtering needed)
- You need to set the number of LED on each LED strip. (N_PIXELS / N_PIXELS_AUX1 / N_PIXELS_AUX2)
- Depending your coding skills, you can change colors on some templates. (firsts VU for exemple)
- You need to install somes libraries and use Arduino v1.65 in case of crashs. (to be confirmed)
By default, all lights are turned off. A short press on button allows to:
- Turn on the lights in Auto Standby Mode
- Switch Pattern selection from Auto Change to Random Change and finally to Manual mode by selecting the next pattern.
A long press on button allows to:
- Turn on the lights in "Always On" Mode
- Turn off the lights
An Arduino UNO
I recommend to use WS2812 strip led with 100 Leds / Meter because of the black PCB/Led (check pics) (1M 100 IP30)
Depending your setup, you may need a dedicated power supply Guide:
Do your own Shield or use an Arduino prototyping board :
Some components (see Schematics folder)
Anyone can propose modified or original templates.
- Regarding electronics, I need tips on filtering to remove power supply and LED noise.
- Looking for a way to turn off light when a silence is detected during a predefined time. (a kind of autostop)
- Some pics for the JVC M70 integration :
- Some pics of my prototyping board for the JVC M70 :
This source code is based on Scott Marley and Cine-Lights works.
- Cine-Lights :
- Scott Marley :