The beginnings of a time tracking app that aims to log your time with ease and eventually also log your time to JIRA tasks (if logged into a JIRA account).
The project was bootstrapped with create-react-app and uses bootstrap / react-bootstrap.
- Create and delete named tasks and log time to one tasks at a time.
- Create and delete projects and assign tasks to projects.
This is currently a pain. Dialogs are created as portals and there is no easy way to mount and test components mounted in portals.
Possible solution: test dialog content apart from the dialog.
Add timed notifications to a notification area.
Log some actions and add them to a log. Provide mechanisms to undo actions (e.g. delete).
Make dialogs open from a route (e.g. /create-project).
Provide JIRA login mechanism (token or cookie). Link Tasks to JIRA tickets and projects to JIRA projects. Provide people with a quick way to log time to a JIRA ticket.
Create simple server that stores application state for an authenticated user. State can be retained in local storage until synchronized to add offline capability.