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A sci-fi collectible card game (rework of a previous project). Alpha release. Written in Java with LibGDX OpenGL framework.


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Farstar 2


This is a FREE game.


Use WinRAR or similar to extract game files.
Launch with exe (no installation required).
Use F1 in game to show Help/Instructions.

Visit page if you want to donate to my work.

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Future Features

Things to add that were in the previous iteration

  • Customizable Decks
  • Way more cards
    • Over 60 ship portraits are waiting to be updated and added, which includes Motherships, Shipyard cards, and Rare ships that you draw like Actions or Tactics. The original game also contained over 200 "actions and supports", bringing the total with ships close to 300 cards - and that was meant only as a start of something much greater! This of course includes adding many new abilities and triggers to go with these cards.
  • Online multiplayer
  • Server App for matchmaking and user-stats
  • In-game reward system for unlocking/crafting cards
    • It's not meant to be a grind, but it is a collectible card game. Giving the entire collection to new players right away would ruin part of the fun. Of course this is about the future cards (and not all of them).
  • Real-time card-trading between players
    • Check out each others "cards for trade" and make a deal, like in a real world game room. Something that no other online card game has (auctions, at best :p).
  • Complete support of different resolutions
  • Tutorial

More things to add

  • 2v2 Mode
    • Yes: the paper version is already playable as 2v2, and if you check out the source code, you may notice that it's actually prepared for more than just 1v1 matches as well (which does not only mean the possibility of 2v2, but for example a free-for-all as well). Let's fight friends with friends! ;)
  • Story-driven Campaigns
    • The original Tutorial was not only hand-holdy, but also filled with way too much story, keeping away the player from focusing on the mechanics. But I clearly love to tell stories! So I would like to continue with those, this time in a proper campaign mode.
  • Even more cards
    • I talked about the almost 300 cards in the original game, but I actually have around 700 card drafts lying around from 5 Species containing 11 Factions (each with its own place in the Farstar universe). This includes different game mechanics for each Species, whether it's a twist on resources or a way they treat their Shipyard (or ships in general).
  • Sound and Music
    • Well, the original game actually had both, but the music track is just a quick placeholder, and the quality of equipment (and, again, time) that I had back then to make the sounds was just to low to achieve anything decent,
  • Better visual effects
    • There is only a "necessary handful" of effects in game: most cards actually deserve their own, and there should be visual effects at certain points of plays that are just missing at this moment. And the effects that are there were made with limited time too - especially the ship-explosion is just a placeholder.
  • Better "Quality of life"
    • This includes the option to view "history" of cards played in a match and a list of currently active effects on a ship (it's only GUI that is missing).
  • Unique portraits for all non-ships too
  • Better AI
  • Release for mobiles and other platforms

About Project

I've always enjoyed card games (both collectible and 'classic'), so after a rather experimental attempt to merge them with a strategy genre, which lead to a gameplay that I was not satisfied with, I've decided to make a game that actually fits the 'card game' description while using only a few of the original ideas.

With that in mind (and with some feedback in hands), game's rules have been drastically changed, therefore the entire application has been 'rewritten' from scratch.

This time in Java (with LibGDX for OpenGL). One of the main reasons behind the original choice of Adobe Air (in which the original game has been written) was the fact that it is cross-platform, however such is the case with Java as well. For applications of this size, Java is also a more lightweight (performance-wise) solution.

(For the previous version of the game, see Farstar: Exodus - but be warned, it's so dark it's barely visible.)

Font Credits

ALL FONTS used in the game belong to their respective authors, and so do my thanks for publishing these fonts under Open Font License or similar:
Bahnschrift - Aaron Bell
Barlow - Jeremy Tribby
Good Times (edited; non-embed) - Ray Larabie
Orbitron - Matt McInerney






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A sci-fi collectible card game (rework of a previous project). Alpha release. Written in Java with LibGDX OpenGL framework.





