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YoungWork 🌏

The site was developed using Vue and Django frameworks.

By integrating Django and Vue, we want to show all the possible functionality of their work together.

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General ⚙️

This project includes:

  • creating a profile of the applicant and the employer.
  • The employer can create vacancies, and the applicant can respond to them.
  • Checking the company's existence. Chat between users.

Installation and launch ℹ️

  1. Download repository
  2. Install all required libraries for backend:
    • virtual venv
    • venv/script/activate
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • py makemigrations
    • py migrate
  3. Follow the path YoungWork\frontend
  4. Install all required libraries for frontend: a. npm upgrade
  5. In the terminal npm run build
  6. Go to root .\YoungWork\
  7. In the terminal sh prod

Notes 📑

Libraries for python can be installed from requirements.txt Libraries for Vue can be installed "npm upgrade" Command 'sh' can only be used in bash terminal