Creates a starting project structure for building a Node.js based Visual Studio Team Services task.
|-- taskName
| |-- icon.png
| |-- package.json
| |-- task.json
| |-- src
| | |-- app.js
| | |-- task.js
| |--test
| | |-- taskUnitTest.js
The command also installs Mocha and Istanbul globally for testing and code coverage. Once the task is created you can test the task by running test from the task folder.
npm test
npm install -g vsts-task-starter
Any values not passed in as cli arguments will be prompted for when the command runs.
- n - name of the task
- f - friendly name of the task
- d - description
- a - author
createtask -n TaskName -f "Task Name" -a "Donovan Brown" -d "My cool task"