#include <Wire.h> #include <Kalman.h> #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> #include <Adafruit_ADXL345_U.h>
Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345);
#define CTRL_REG1 0x20 #define CTRL_REG2 0x21 #define CTRL_REG3 0x22 #define CTRL_REG4 0x23 #define CTRL_REG5 0x24
#define runEvery(t) for (static long _lasttime;
(uint16_t)((uint16_t)millis() - _lasttime) >= (t);
_lasttime += (t))
int L3G4200D_Address = 105;
//Set up kalman instances Kalman kalmanPitch; Kalman kalmanRoll;
//Set up accelerometer variables int16_t accValX, accValY, accValZ; float accBiasX, accBiasY, accBiasZ; float accAngleX, accAngleY; double accPitch, accRoll;
//Set up gyroscope variables int16_t gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ; float gyroBiasX, gyroBiasY, gyroBiasZ; float gyroRateX, gyroRateY, gyroRateZ; float gyroBias_oldX, gyroBias_oldY, gyroBias_oldZ; float gyroPitch = 180; float gyroRoll = -180; float gyroYaw = 0; double gyro_sensitivity = 70; //From datasheet, depends on Scale, 2000DPS = 70, 500DPS = 17.5, 250DPS = 8.75.
int x; int y; int z; //Set up a timer Variable uint32_t timer;
// valores angulos double InputPitch, InputRoll;
// Valores iniciales double PitchInicial,RollInicial;
// Motores int enablea = 3; int enableb = 9; int a1 = 5; int a2 = 4; int b1 = 10; int b2 = 11;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); setupL3G4200D(200); // Configure L3G4200 - 250, 500 or 2000 deg/sec delay(1500);
if(!accel.begin()) { /* There was a problem detecting the ADXL345 ... check your connections */ Serial.println("Ooops, no ADXL345 detected ... Check your wiring!"); while(1); }
// Motor
pinMode(enablea, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enableb, OUTPUT);
pinMode(a1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(a2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(a1,HIGH); digitalWrite(a2,HIGH); digitalWrite(b1,HIGH); digitalWrite(b2,HIGH);
accel.setRange(ADXL345_RANGE_2_G); sensors_event_t event; accel.getEvent(&event);
// Calculate bias for the Gyro i.e. the values it gives when it's not moving for(int i=1; i < 100; i++){
gyroBiasX += (int)x;
gyroBiasY += (int)y;
gyroBiasZ += (int)z;
accBiasX += event.acceleration.x;
accBiasY += event.acceleration.y;
accBiasZ += event.acceleration.z;
gyroBiasX = gyroBiasX / 100; gyroBiasY = gyroBiasY / 100; gyroBiasZ = gyroBiasZ / 100;
accBiasX = accBiasX / 100; accBiasY = accBiasY / 100; accBiasZ = accBiasZ / 100;
//Get Starting Pitch and Roll accel.getEvent(&event); accPitch = (atan2(-event.acceleration.x,-event.acceleration.z)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG; accRoll = (atan2(event.acceleration.y,-event.acceleration.z)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG;
if (accPitch <= 360 & accPitch >= 180){ accPitch = accPitch - 360; }
if (accRoll <= 360 & accRoll >= 180){ accRoll = accRoll - 360; }
// Set starting angle for Kalman kalmanPitch.setAngle(accPitch); kalmanRoll.setAngle(accRoll);
kalmanRoll.setQangle(0.01); // 0.001 kalmanRoll.setQbias(0.0003); // 0.003 kalmanRoll.setRmeasure(0.01); // 0.03
gyroPitch = accPitch; gyroRoll = accRoll;
timer = micros(); delay(1000); ValoresIniciales();
double tau=0.075; double a=0.0; double x_angleC = 0;
double Complementary(double newAngle, double newRate,double looptime) {
double dtC = float(looptime)/1000000.0; a=tau/(tau+dtC); x_angleC= a* (x_angleC + newRate * dtC) + (1-a) * (newAngle); return x_angleC;
double Setpoint;
void MotorControl(double out){
if (out > 0){ digitalWrite(a1,HIGH); digitalWrite(a2,LOW); digitalWrite(b1,LOW); digitalWrite(b2,HIGH); }else{ digitalWrite(a1,LOW); digitalWrite(a2,HIGH); digitalWrite(b1,HIGH); digitalWrite(b2,LOW); }
byte vel = abs(out); if (vel<0) vel=0; if (vel > 255) vel=255;
//Serial.println(out); analogWrite(enablea,vel); analogWrite(enableb,vel); }
void ValoresIniciales(){
////////////////////// // Accelerometer // ////////////////////// sensors_event_t event;
accel.getEvent(&event); accPitch = (atan2(-event.acceleration.x,-event.acceleration.z)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG; accRoll = (atan2(event.acceleration.y,-event.acceleration.z)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG;
if (accPitch <= 360 & accPitch >= 180){ accPitch = accPitch - 360; }
if (accRoll <= 360 & accRoll >= 180){ accRoll = accRoll - 360; }
////////////////////// // GYRO // //////////////////////
// read raw angular velocity measurements from device
gyroRateX = ((int)x - gyroBiasX).07; //(.0105);
gyroRateY = -((int)y - gyroBiasY).07; //(.0105);
gyroRateZ = ((int)z - gyroBiasZ).07; //(.0105);
gyroPitch += gyroRateY * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000); gyroRoll += gyroRateX * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000); gyroYaw += gyroRateZ * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000);
PitchInicial = kalmanPitch.getAngle(accPitch, gyroPitch, (double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); //RollInicial = kalmanRoll.getAngle(accRoll, gyroRoll, (double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); timer = micros(); RollInicial = gyroRoll;
Serial.print("Pitch Inicial: "); Serial.println(PitchInicial); Serial.print("Roll Inicial: "); Serial.println(RollInicial); Setpoint = 0;
int i=0; double aaa =0; void loop() {
runEvery(10){ ////////////////////// // Accelerometer // ////////////////////// sensors_event_t event;
accPitch = (atan2(-event.acceleration.x,-event.acceleration.z)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG;
accRoll = (atan2(event.acceleration.y,-event.acceleration.z)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG;
if (accPitch <= 360 & accPitch >= 180){
accPitch = accPitch - 360;
if (accRoll <= 360 & accRoll >= 180){
accRoll = accRoll - 360;
// GYRO //
// read raw angular velocity measurements from device
gyroRateX = -((int)x - gyroBiasX)*.07; //*(.0105);
gyroRateY = -((int)y - gyroBiasY)*.07; //*(.0105);
gyroRateZ = ((int)z - gyroBiasZ)*.07; //*(.0105);
gyroPitch += gyroRateY * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000);
double leeeeel = gyroRateX * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000);
gyroRoll += gyroRateX * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000);
gyroYaw += gyroRateZ * ((double)(micros() - timer)/1000000);
InputPitch = kalmanPitch.getAngle(accPitch, gyroPitch, (double)(micros()-timer)/1000000);
InputRoll = kalmanRoll.getAngle(accRoll, gyroRoll, (double)(micros()-timer)/1000000);
timer = micros();
//angle = (0.98)*(angle + gyroRateX * dt) + (0.02)*(accRoll);
byte a= map(abs(Compute(InputRoll-RollInicial)),0,255,0,124);
aaa = 0.98* (aaa + leeeeel) + 0.02 * (accRoll);
// i++; //if (i=100){ //i=0; //gyroRoll = (InputRoll-RollInicial); //}
if (Serial.available()){ char a = Serial.read(); switch (a){ case 'q': Setpoint += 0.01; break; case 'w': Setpoint -= 0.01; break; case 'e': Setpoint += 0.1; break; case 'r': Setpoint -= 0.1; break; } }
void MostrarDatos(){
Serial.print("DATOS: "); Serial.print("RollInicial: "); Serial.print(RollInicial); Serial.print("Roll: "); Serial.print(InputRoll); Serial.print("RollBueno: "); Serial.println(InputRoll-RollInicial);
int outMax = 255; int outMin = -255; float lastInput = 0; double ITerm =0; double kp = 100; double ki = 2; double kd = 0;
double Compute(double input) {
double error = Setpoint - input;
ITerm+= (ki * error);
if(ITerm > outMax) ITerm= outMax;
else if(ITerm < outMin) ITerm= outMin;
double dInput = (input - lastInput);
/*Compute PID Output*/
double output = kp * error + ITerm + kd * dInput;
if(output > outMax) output = outMax;
else if(output < outMin) output = outMin;
/*Remember some variables for next time*/
lastInput = input;
return output;
void getGyroValues(){
byte xMSB = readRegister(L3G4200D_Address, 0x29); byte xLSB = readRegister(L3G4200D_Address, 0x28); x = ((xMSB << 8) | xLSB);
byte yMSB = readRegister(L3G4200D_Address, 0x2B); byte yLSB = readRegister(L3G4200D_Address, 0x2A); y = ((yMSB << 8) | yLSB);
byte zMSB = readRegister(L3G4200D_Address, 0x2D); byte zLSB = readRegister(L3G4200D_Address, 0x2C); z = ((zMSB << 8) | zLSB); }
int setupL3G4200D(int scale){ //From Jim Lindblom of Sparkfun's code
// Enable x, y, z and turn off power down: writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG1, 0b00001111);
// If you'd like to adjust/use the HPF, you can edit the line below to configure CTRL_REG2: writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG2, 0b00000000);
// Configure CTRL_REG3 to generate data ready interrupt on INT2 // No interrupts used on INT1, if you'd like to configure INT1 // or INT2 otherwise, consult the datasheet: writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG3, 0b00001000);
// CTRL_REG4 controls the full-scale range, among other things:
if(scale == 250){ writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG4, 0b00000000); }else if(scale == 500){ writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG4, 0b00010000); }else{ writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG4, 0b00110000); }
// CTRL_REG5 controls high-pass filtering of outputs, use it // if you'd like: writeRegister(L3G4200D_Address, CTRL_REG5, 0b00000000); }
void writeRegister(int deviceAddress, byte address, byte val) { Wire.beginTransmission(deviceAddress); // start transmission to device Wire.write(address); // send register address Wire.write(val); // send value to write Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission }
int readRegister(int deviceAddress, byte address){
int v;
Wire.write(address); // register to read
Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddress, 1); // read a byte
while(!Wire.available()) {
// waiting
v = Wire.read();
return v;