This is fullstack application which employs Nest.js, React using Vite, Typescript, SCSS. It serves as an it serves as an api which generates a QR code which is going to return a shortened url which links to a movie listing rendered from a JSON file.
It utilizes an API with end points that facilitates QR Code generation and returning 10 random movies from a JSON.
Generate QR Code This returns a QR Code with a shortened link embedded.
Get Films This returns data in form of an array of 10 random films generated from a JSON.
To run this project, you will need to add a an .env file with the 'api' folder, if not already present and add the following environment variable:
this is the base URL which the app allows to make requests via CORS.
this is the api key for your Rapid Api account which you need to use the service.
To run this project, you will need to add a an .env file with the 'web' folder, if not already present and add the following environment variable:
this is the base URL which the app uses to make api calls.
Clone the project
git clone
You will also need to create an account with Rapid Api and subscribe to the service, depending on what you want to work with, in other to get your api keys and them to your .env file.
Go to the project directory
cd api
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start the server
yarn start:dev
Go to the project directory
cd web
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start the server
yarn dev
Testing was carried out using Cypress/Jest To run tests, run the following command
yarn test
This project was deployed on Vercel. Here are the links to the api and web apps.
To run a production build run the command
yarn build
When the server starts simply go to the root url.