🔭 I’m an alumni of Microverse.
🌱 I’m currently specializing in ES6, React, Node.js and Ruby
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects and other cool creations.
⚡ Fun fact I'm quite tall so be aware if we ever meet.
🔭 I’m an alumni of Microverse.
🌱 I’m currently specializing in ES6, React, Node.js and Ruby
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects and other cool creations.
⚡ Fun fact I'm quite tall so be aware if we ever meet.
This is a simple Portfolio for hosting links and other informations about the user's recent works and other achievements.
This project is a simple personal library that allows the user to store all his favorite books or the ones to be read in his browser's local storage.
JavaScript 3
Meal Master App is a web application for ordering food with user authentication and admin access. Users can select foods by theme, place orders, view their order history, and add or delete items (f…
JavaScript 1