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Linter and formatter for source code files and text files


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Linter and formatter for source code files and text files.

The purpose of this tool is to normalize source code files (e.g. Python, Java, C/C++, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, etc.) and text files (HTML, JSON, YAML, CSV, MarkDown, LaTeX) before checking them into a version control system.

The features include:

  • Auto-detection of new line markers (Linux \n, Windows \r\n, Mac \r).
  • Add a new line marker at the end of the file if it is missing.
  • Make new line markers consistent.
  • Remove empty lines at the end of the file.
  • Remove whitespace at the end of each line.
  • Replace tabs with spaces.
  • Remove/replace non-standard whitespace characters.

The formatting changes are idempotent, i.e., running the tool second time (with the same parameters) has no effect.


pip install whitespace-format

Installation requires Python 3.7.5 or higher.


A sample command that formats source code files:

whitespace-format \
    --exclude ".git/|.idea/|.pyc$" \
    --new-line-marker linux \
    --normalize-new-line-markers \
    foo.txt  my_project/

The command above formats foo.txt and all files contained in my_project/ directory and its subdirectories. Files that contain .git/ or .idea/ in their (relative) path are excluded. For example, files in my_project/.git/ and files in my_project/.idea/ are excluded. Likewise, files ending with *.pyc are excluded.

If you want to know only if any changes would be made, add --check-only option:

whitespace-format \
    --check-only \
    --exclude ".git/|.idea/|.pyc$" \
    --new-line-marker linux \
    --normalize-new-line-markers \
    foo.txt  my_project/

This command can be used as a validation step before checking the source files into a version control system. The command outputs non-zero exit code if any of the files would be formatted.


  • --check-only -- Do not format files. Only report which files would be formatted.
  • --follow-symlinks -- Follow symbolic links when searching for files.
  • --exclude=REGEX -- Regular expression that specifies which files to exclude. The regular expression is evaluated on the path of each file.
  • --verbose -- Print more messages than normally.
  • --quiet -- Do not print any messages, except for errors when reading or writing files.

Formatting options

  • --add-new-line-marker-at-end-of-file -- Add missing new line marker at end of each file.
  • --remove-new-line-marker-from-end-of-file -- Remove all new line marker(s) from the end of each file. This option is ignored when --add-new-line-marker-at-end-of-file is used. Empty lines at the end of the file are removed.
  • --normalize-new-line-markers -- Make new line markers consistent in each file by replacing \r\n, \n, and \r with a consistent new line marker.
  • --remove-trailing-whitespace -- Remove whitespace at the end of each line.
  • --remove-trailing-empty-lines -- Remove empty lines at the end of each file.
  • --new-line-marker=MARKER -- This option specifies what new line marker to use. MARKER must be one of the following:
    • auto -- Use new line marker that is the most common in each individual file. If no new line marker is present in the file, Linux \n is used. This is the default option.
    • linux -- Use Linux new line marker \n.
    • mac -- Use Mac new line marker \r.
    • windows -- Use Windows new line marker \r\n.
  • --encoding -- Text encoding for both reading and writing files. Default encoding is utf-8. List of supported encodings can be found at

Note that input files can contain an arbitrary mix of new line markers \n, \r, \r\n even within the same file. The option --new-line-marker specifies the character that should be in the formatted file.

An opinionated combination of options is:

whitespace-format \
    --new-line-marker=linux \
    --add-new-line-marker-at-end-of-file \
    --normalize-new-line-markers \
    --remove-trailing-whitespace \
    --remove-trailing-empty-lines \
    foo.txt  my_project/

This should work well for common programming languages (e.g. Python, Java, C/C++, JavaScript) and common text file formats (e.g. CSV, LaTeX, JSON, YAML, HTML, MarkDown).

Empty files

There are separate options for handling empty files and files consisting of whitespace characters only:

  • --normalize-empty-files=MODE
  • --normalize-whitespace-only-files=MODE

where MODE is one of the following:

  • ignore -- Leave the file as is. This is the default option.
  • empty -- Replace the file with an empty file.
  • one-line -- Replace each file with a file consisting of a single new line marker.

Depending on the mode, an empty file or a whitespace-only file will be either ignored, replaced by a zero-byte file, or replaced by a file consisting of single end of line marker.

If --normalize-whitespace-only-files is set to empty, --normalize-empty-files setting set to empty as well. In other words, combination --normalize-whitespace-only-files=empty and --normalize-empty-files=one-line is not allowed, since it would lead to behavior that is not idempotent.

Special characters

  • --replace-tabs-with-spaces=N -- Replace tabs with spaces. Where is N is the number of spaces. If N is negative, tabs are not replaced. Default value is -1.

  • --normalize-non-standard-whitespace=MODE -- Replace or remove non-standard whitespace characters (\v and \f). MODE must be one of the following:

    • ignore -- Leave \v and \f as is. This is the default option.
    • replace -- Replace any occurrence of \v or \f with a single space.
    • remove -- Remove all occurrences of \v and \f



MacOS development setup

  1. Make sure you have brew package manager installed.

  2. Install pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv and poetry:

    brew install pyenv
    brew install pyenv-virtualenv
    brew install poetry
  3. Add the following lines to .zshrc or .bash_profile and restart the terminal:

    # Pyenv settings
    export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
    export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
    eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
  4. Create Python virtual environment with the correct Python version:

    make install-python
    make create-environment
  5. Install all dependencies

    make install-dependecies

If you need to delete the Python virtual environment, you can do so with the command make delete-environment.

Running unit tests and code checks

If you make code change, run unit tests and code checks with the command:

make clean whitespace-format-check isort-check black-check flake8 pydocstyle pylint mypy test coverage

Each make target runs different checks:

  • clean deletes temporary files
  • whitespace-format-check runs whitespace-format checker on all files
  • isort-check runs isort checker of imports in *.py files
  • black-check runs black code format checker on *.py files
  • flake8 runs flake8 code style checker on *.py files
  • pydocstyle runs pydocstyle docstring checker on *.py files
  • pylint runs pylint code checker on *.py files
  • mypy runs mypy type checker on *.py files
  • test runs unit tests
  • coverage generates code coverage report

You can automatically format code with the command:

make isort-format black-format whitespace-format

Modifying dependencies

The list of Python packages that this project depends on is specified in pyproject.toml and in poetry.lock files. The file pyproject.toml can be edited by humans. The file poetry.lock is automatically generated by poetry.

Install a development dependency with the command:

poetry add --dev <some_new_python_tool>

Install a new production dependency with the command:

poetry add <some_python_library>

Manual modification of pyproject.toml

Instead of using poetry add command, you can edit pyproject.toml file. Then, regenerate poetry.lock file with the command:

poetry lock

or the command:

poetry lock --no-update

The latter command does not update already locked packages.

Fixing broken Python environment

If your Python virtual environment becomes broken or polluted with unnecessary packages, delete it, recreate it from scratch and install dependencies a fresh with the following commands:

make delete-environment
make create-environment
make install-dependencies


Linter and formatter for source code files and text files








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