- First of all go to the page Among Ai's
- Login
- Choose an Username
- Go to the cloned repository, and use this command to create a new game with our Ai bots:
python new_game.py
- then follow the script instruction and start the game.
- Finally you have to join in the game on the web app
Then have fun with the game 🎮
- First of all download the jar file here Among Ai's
- Then type this command:
chmod +x AmongAIs-Linux.zip
- Open the application with java with the following command:
java -jar AmongAIs-Linux.zip
- Login and choose the ingame username
- Then follow the script instruction to start a game
- Like before enjoy and have fun.
- First of all download the jar file here Among Ai's
- Double click on the file
- Login and choose the ingame username
- Then follow the script instruction to start a game
- Like before enjoy and have fun.
- First of all download the jar file here Among Ai's
- Double click on the file
- Login and choose the ingame username
- Then follow the script instruction to start a game
- Like before enjoy and have fun.
You need python 3.6.12 to use our bot AI. Next move is to install all the python dependecies with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The file requirements.txt is in the repository
You need java 8+ to use the client application, instead for the web application the firefox browser can cause some problem, so we suggest you to play it with other browsers like Chrome, Safari ecc.