This file was generated on 2017/01/16/ by Girum G Demisse.
This is a MATLAB implementation of a curved shape representation approach presented in:
- Demisse, G.G, Aouada,D, Ottersten, B. Similarity Metric For Curved Shapes in Eculidean Space., IEEE CVPR 2016.
- Demisse, G.G, Aouada,D, Ottersten, B. Deformation Based Curved Shape
Representation., IEEE TPAMI 2017.
There is only one requirment for using the software: If you use this software (Curved_shape_representation) in its entirety or partially, please consider citing the papers listed above.
The software package is organized in three main folders:
- Classes - includes static and value classes.
- 3rdparty - includes codes developed by a third party.
- DP_opt - includes dynamic programming based optimizations.
- Dataset - includes Kimia's datasets for testing.
Curved shapes, extracted from Kimia99 and Kimia216, are included with the software package.
- Each column of "KIMIA99.mat" has 11 elements from the same shape category. In total, there are 9 shape catagories (columns).
- Each column of "KIMIA216.mat" has 12 elements from the same shape category. In total, there are 18 shape catagories (columns).
Three commented demo scripts are included with the package.
- Demo_HOWTO_curve_representation.m (I recommand you start from here)- shows how to:
- Create a curve object-- build representation of a curve.
- Estimate point correspondance, using either unfiorm or optimal sampling, between two curved shapes.
- Compute geodesic curve and geodesic distance between two curved shapes.
- Plot results.
- Demo_HOWTO_curve_model.m - shows how to:
- Compute Karcher mean of a set of curved shape representations.
- Compute K-clusters from a dataset of curved shape representations.
- Demo_HOWTO_deformation_transfer.m - shows how to:
- Extract deformation that acts from the left, given two curved shapes.
- Transfer a deformation to a given curved shape.
Girum G. Demisse,