- Ilustrate a basic React Native app functionallity.
- Goal: Support some esential libraries and a few implementations needed to be ready to start a new RN App.
- React Native CLI
- Language: Typescript
- Linting tool: EsLint
Recommendation: Install ESLint extension.
- Organize imports: eslint-plugin-import
- Code formatter: Prettier ESLint Recommendation: Install Prettier ESLint extension.
- Styling lib: emotion/native
Follow this guide for React Native CLI - macOS - iOS and android
- React Native v0.70.1
- Node v16.10.0 (Look at .node-version)
- Ruby v3.0.5 (Look at .ruby-version)
yarn install
cd ios
bundle install
pod install
yarn android_dev
QA Environment
yarn android_qa
Production Environment
yarn android_prod
yarn ios_dev
QA Environment
yarn ios_qa
Production Environment
yarn ios_prod
- Environments handling with [react-native-config] (https://github.com/luggit/react-native-config)
- Strings Localization
- Theming with emotion and custom
- UI Testing: Jest snapshots
- Storybook to UI components visualization and documentation storybook
- State management: Redux Toolkit
- Services: RKT Query Redux Toolkit package: Allows to handle fetching functionality like: save the data in the store, managing states fetching, error, result, caching, etc.
In index.js file:
- Temporary comment line 6 to 10.
- Temporary uncomment line 13.
- Then run storybook and the app.
yarn storybook
yarn ios_dev
yarn android_dev
You should be able to select the stories in the localhost and see the component rendered in the simulator/emulator.