This linter checks attribute class
in final html
files for BEM naming conventions.
Initiative cli code based on ESLint
To use latest version of plugin update bemlint
itself for 1.7.0 version!
npm install -g bemlint
bemlint test.html test2.html [options]
var bemlint = require("bemlint");
var options = { //not necessary
elem: '__',
mod: '_',
wordPattern: '[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*',
excludeRules: [], //rules ids
//get array of messages
bemlint.verify('<div class="b-dropdown b-dropdown__element"><div class="b-dropdown__element"></div></div>', options);
You can use it with SublimeLinter-contrib-bemlint plugin.
- --elem/--e - element delimeter, default:
bemlint test.html --elem='__'
- --mod/--m - modifier and value delimeter, default:
bemlint test.html --mod='_'
- --wordPattern/--wp - regex, defines proper names for blocks, default:
bemlint test.html --wp='[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*'
- --bem-prefixes/--bp - array of block names prefix for lint, example:
bemlint test.html --bp='['b-', 'l-', 'helper-']'
- --format/--f - specific output format, default:
bemlint test.html --f='stylish'
Available: compact|checkstyle|html|json|table|tap|unix|visualstudio|junit|jslint-xml|html-template-message|html-template-page|html-template-result
- --exclude-rules/--er - Array of rules ids to exclude from lint:
bemlint test.html --er='['isBlockElementInBlock']'
- --no-ignore - Disable use of .bemlintignore
bemlint test.html --no-ignore
- --exclude-selectors/--es - Array of selectors, which will be removed from validating
bemlint test.html --exclude-selectors='['code *', '.no-bemname-validate']'
- --errors/--error - Prints all messages as errors
bemlint test.html --errors
- finds same classes in one attributeisBlockElementInBlock
- Block and his element cannot be in one place, wrong =>class="b-block b-block__element
- Block mod should be paired with it's block, wrong =>class="b-block_mod_val"
- Element mod should be paired with it's element, wrong =>class="b-block__element_mod"
- Element should be nested in it's block =>
<div class="b-dropdown">
<div class="b-dropdown__element"></div>
//wrong, b-dropdown__element is not in block b-dropdown
<div class="b-dropdown3">
<div class="b-dropdown__element"></div>